• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023

  • Once again you seem to be calling for not bothering with any security effort of there’s even a remote chance of some other vulnerability happening.

    The whole point of security is that it’s always a multi-layered thing. Nobody sane is pretending that encrypting web traffic with HTTPS is a panacea that’s going to solve all your data security needs. But it is sure as hell a million times better than having all of your data transmitted in the clear, with absolutely no assurance that you’re are talking to the system you think you’re talking to, or that the data hasn’t been tampered with in transit.

    And don’t pretend https is a huge burden. It’s dead simple to get SSL/TLS certs, and the additional load of encrypting and decrypting the traffic is barely even a rounding error on modern CPUs.

  • (Art. I, 9, cl. 8): "[NJo Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State’

    Unfortunately this doesn’t sufficiently cover things like 'Random Russian Billionaire Oligarch" so long as there is the slightest modicum of a veil of separation from “any King, Prince or State”.

    So for example, as long as Putin secretly tells his billionaire buddy to go pay off Trump and to keep it hush hush, this clause is even more toothless than it already is in practice.

  • They have one called “Pink Drink”. It’s not available bottled, The only place I ever had it was at Austin City limits Festival a few years before the pandemic. It’s kind of a Prickly-pear Lemonade flavored soda. It was without a doubt the most delicious, refreshing beverage I have ever consumed, and the fact that I’ve never been able to find it since then is actually one of the biggest disappointments of my life.

  • If you’re not either participating in politics by voting, running for office or campaigning; or actively attempting to overthrow the government, then you are accepting whatever government we have and whatever government gets voted in.

    There’s nothing morally wrong in voting for the less-bad of available. options now, while still working toward changes that give us better choices in the future. If nothing else, if you really cared about how this country and world runs, you would at least be voting for whoever you think will give you even a SLIGHTLY better chance of allowing or enabling the change you want to see.

    The absolute least useful thing you could possibly do is throw up your hands and give up and not participate. As a matter of fact, that’s exactly what extremes on both ends of the political spectrum want you to do. The fewer people who participate, the easier it is for them to get away with all the money and power.