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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2020


  • Why is reddit regarded so highly this way? It’s always been a second rate board to me. Like yeah there’s some technical discussion there. Even notable names might post there. But it’s the social media version of technical side of the internet. It’s generally full of garbage that requires heavy doses of skepticism as bad info often gets visibility. There is no recourse since the nature of reddit engagement is ephemeral. The proverbial concrete sets shortly after the post/comment is made.

    I suppose the state off affairs have deteriorated so far that search engines don’t even index the internet properly anymore. Actual discussion boards and websites are basically darknet these days. Internet indexes for all intents and purposes don’t exist today. Search engines a glorified index links to each others social media platforms. Even then the bulk of results are online shopping spam.

    What a mess.

    For any topic I actually want to dive into I do not use reddit for anything more than initial discovery. Social media by nature commoditizes content to serve the masses by appealing to the lowest common denominators. The bulk of the content never goes below surface level.

  • The way I see it Steve Jobs marked a turning point with those Apple events. The corporate platitude bullshit with the “you told us and we listened” jargon. Before technology was mainly hobbyist nerds making stuff out of the love of technology. There was a two way relationship where the developers trusted the users and the users trusted the developers be acting in good faith. Now it’s lifeless and jaded beneath a veneer of forced corporate smiles. Over the years everyone adopted the turtleneck speak in one way or another.

    It’s an insult to our intelligence to push anti-patterns. All while expecting us to engage like sheep in the mandatory capitalist pep rally. ‘We made 20% efficiency to your oppressive experience. Now cheer! I said CHEER damn it’.

  • I’ve looked at the site but I don’t contribute anymore. I’ve made a few comments telling people to look at another site for answers to their technical questions. Dropping seeds that will branch away from reddit.

    The popular sort for Canada increasingly resembles voat. When it was becoming overrun by the far right dog whistles. The signature right wing botted subreddits seem to be a mainstay on the top sorts. That says a lot about how it’s going.

  • It is majority bots. I got the groundhog day feeling too. So a few years ago I started looking at the account that post rather than the posts itself. There’s a simple pattern. The account is registered but lays dormant for a couple months. Then it becomes active and starts reposting top ranked post of all time from subreddits. Their comments are copy pasted out of replies to old posts.

    It’s inexplicable why the real human users put up with it though. At some point the zeitgeist stopped having baseline expectation of content quality.

    More recently there’s a newer phenomenon where clickbait stories (“My (45M) wife (18F) of 5 years left me everything but the icecube trays AITA”) are posted by brand new accounts. Except all those subreddits don’t allow brand new accounts to post. So it must be the mods are selectively approving them. They are farming outrage with stories (most likely fake) meant to maximize user activity.

  • Free speech versus civility. Say what you want but don’t think you won’t get punched in the face for being an asshole. On the internet you should absolutely be able to get punched in the face. The virtual version of that is being modded. Which is apparently tantamount to human rights violations these days so mods have had to walk on eggshells. It’s no wonder the old guard have been leaving in droves.

    There was never a time in the past when you wouldn’t receive a digital face punching for being an ass. As time went on people started giving up on reddit. Especially mods who cared to foster communities people wanted to use. Mods became glorified bot operators. “Automated customer service lines” as someone else said. And so the trolls have completely run amok on that platform. Usually there is no getting hold of a real human moderator. Other times they’re so checked out they themselves get trolled into banning anyone but the griefers.

  • Mods weren’t ever supposed to anybody but janitors. That isn’t in a derogatory tone. The anonymous userbase was the original value proposition of reddit. The expertise came from random nobodies. Usernames didn’t matter on reddit because nobody looked at it. It seems this is long forgotten history from a time when the internet was primarily IT nerds.

    By the time mods were becoming somebodies, reddit was past its prime. Once the power structures started forming it was over. As we’re seeing now reddit is hinges on single point of failure. The expertise among the userbase has gradually left the platform long before this API stuff. A long slow process years in the making.

    Internet janitors are a dirty but necessary job not unlike the real world. Somebody has to scrub toilets and pick produce. People are a-holes on the internet who need to be put in their place. Reddit has long since become too hoity-toity for that. Now mods are supposed to be experts in their field. Too high to be digital toilet scrubbers. Too scared of “muh free speech” to janitor the Greater Fuckwads anymore. So reddit is an asylum run by the inmates. Expertise can’t be assed to contribute to a dumpster.

    On another note. The imgur purge has also contributed to the barren wasteland of reddit content history. So many dead posts.