just vibing (doing stasi stuff)
just vibing (doing stasi stuff)
I guess everyone understands that you are talking about US phds, so no worries :)
But yeah, doing your PhD in europe may not be simpler (we have to give lectures, organize seminars etc.) but considering that you get a good pay for your research as well, it is definitely a good alternative to going directly in the industry. However, doing your phd during your masters thesis or even starting without a masters degree is very uncommon, so you usually need more time to get it.
This all sounds so weird coming from germany since here you do you bachelors degree, then your masters degree and then optionally your PhD. While the usefullness of the PhD and its duration vary between subjects (in IT it takes 3-5 years and is not really worth it money-wise if you go in the industry afterwards, while in medicine it can be done in a year or even less and is basically necessary). Also while you do your PhD you are usually employed by the government (since universities are public institutions) and paid well. A PhD earns you social prestige and prestige in the industry since - besides in medicine - nearly no one has one.
Horst in einem Opel Corsa Baujahr 1998, der nur durch pure Willenskraft zusammengehalten wird
My parrot gave me 3 earring holes that grew together again. He also liked destroying books and sealing rings.
Es ist eine Personenkultpartei. Ich mein sie ist nach einer Person benannt. Das ist noch nicht mal die CSU (sie heißt ja nicht Markus Söder Partei). Abgesehen davon macht sie nur populistische, reaktionäre Politik. Genau das was man von einer Personenkultpartei erwarten würde.
In a discussion referencing the imperial system “backwardsland” is another country :)
Dear fellow anarchist,
32 / 0.07 = 457.142857
source: my calculator app
EDIT: dammit, i am from germany and , is here the decimal point . i copied it from the app, gonna correct it
He ran it 457.143 times
Ich fänds cool, wenn tatsächlich mal originelle deutsche Musik kommen würde und nicht immer verwaschener englischer Durchschnittsquatsch. Z.B. Techno, das wurde in Deutschland erfunden und hat hier auch mitunter die größte Szene, oder Böhmi der tatsächlich originelle Lieder produziert, bevor wieder ein unbekannter Künstler nen englischen Popsong singt würde ich ja lieber Jan Delay oder Grönemeyer auf der Bühne sehen und das will was heißen.
Schwarzes-Loch-Sonne würdest du nicht kommen?
Too political
Same, tried to disconnect from services from big companies like instagram, reddit, twitter and whatsapp for a long time but this spring i quit twitter (for mastodon), in the summer instagram and whatsapp (for signal) and after the api changes reddit (for lemmy). I miss nothing of it.