Maybe Scribus (FOSS) could scratch that itch?
Maybe Scribus (FOSS) could scratch that itch?
Anche perché, uno “sciopero” sarebbe consegnare scheda nulla, o scheda bianca… alla fine uno non sciopera dal lavoro stando a casa, ma protestando davanti all’azienda, no?
I mean, it is a bit rough, they’re not at 1.0 yet, also: are you looking at the stable or latest docs? That may be the reason the commands do not match with the docs.
I didn’t have any issues, do you see anything in the logs?
Yeah, sounds like a security feature… I was able to configure Traefik to connect with TLS, verifying the peer certificate.
Yes, it should cover all the use cases you mention!
I use oauth2-proxy as ForwardAuth on Traefik so I can protect apps that do not support OAuth/OIDC login/
I use kanidm with oauth2-proxy. No issues so far, it was pretty easy to set up.
Note that the connection to kanidm needs to be TLS even if you have a reverse proxy!
EDIT: currently using 80MB RAM for two users and three Service Providers.
I also moved away my domains and the ones of the hackerspace I manage, mainly to:
I also use Migadu, they have been great so far! for DNS, also great and supported by Traefik for DNS-01 ACME challenge.
Sto seguendo con molto interesse la vicenda Piracy Shield, ma la domanda che mi pongo è: da normale cittadino, seppur tech savvy, come posso fare per combattere tutto questo? Del calcio non mi importa un fico secco, ma di Internet aperto si.
I think you can create a group for friends and a group for family. If you want more separation I think Authentik handles multi-tenancy as well
I’m using sops
with my GPG key currently.
Avevo visto in giro, ma non ho mai ordinato nulla…
It’s a bit chaotic, and they try to force you to pay for other stuff in the process, but the prices were not that far off from other registrars. Note that I use DeSEC for the actual nameservers though.
I’ve moved mine to Infomaniak (Switzerland), no complaints so far!
Maybe you could try tryton? It’s modular and you can add a lot of useful functionality for businesses, like stocks/orders etc
Grazie della risposta! Io avevo un Osprey ma dopo qualche anno è partita la cerniera (una delle poche cose escluse dalla loro garanzia a vita), e quindi ho preso un North Face, che non era male. Ora ne ho uno cinese tipo quelli di OP, ha moltissime tasche ma la build quality lascia a desiderare, dopo qualche mese ho dovuto far ricucire gli spallacci…
Si, anche a me faceva un po’ strano vedere la tasca portatile così lontana dallo schienale, alla fine sono 2-3kg a ~ 20 cm dalla schiena, che sa di faticoso :/
La retina elastica per la bottiglia com’è? Sul NF si è usurata ed è piena di buchi :/
Aaaa che bait! È carino cavolo, ma è resistente? Com’è zona spalline? Io di solito mi porto lo zaino che è sempre un po’ pesantino, e non lo tratto “benissimo”, quindi vorrei sapere se resiste ad un utilizzo giornaliero più pesante :)
I’m also leaving, migrates to infomaniak as a registrar, DeSec as DNS provider and Migadu for email… no regrets!
I found the definition of Coordi-Nations interesting. It could also be applied to hackerspaces/hackbases. I need to look into that
There’s SwiftFin, but it’s been a while from the last update (iOS app was updated recently though) and there’s a number of issues. It’s usable though (I’m using it).