• 5 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2021


  • I’m sorry, I think I didn’t explain well my motivations. First of all, as many of you also are, I am a libre software and ethical platforms promoter. I am always looking for ways to help people migrate, for example, form instagram to pixelfed and the fediverse. It is difficult, mostly because of the network effect, so we need groups that are willing to make the change. Sometimes I help people and communities with their IT issues ad honorem, but in exchange I ask them to use and promote libre/ethical platforms. So, the other day I was thinking… what if, instead of trying to find how to make people move to the fediverse, we promote the fediverse as a platform for solving a need people are nowadays having? And it turns out I found a lot of people wanting a minimal website with minimum hassle. Instagram was not designed for websites, and the hindrances it intentionally has, make it a much worse platform thaan what a static site or a even a CMS site would be. But a lot of people and businesses use Instagram as their main “website”. So, the thing is, what if for example I could set up an instance, in which I provide premium support to “clients”, and I could even charge for this! (I am not thinking in making money, but where I live, although it sounds stupid, people sometimes value more what is paid than another “free” web platform.) And I give them their minimal space for posting their things with an easy interface. They will get the interactions with peoples as a plus. They will see they won’t have ads nor need to have an instagram account. Maybe this will help boost peoples migration to the fediverse. Pixelfed for example is perfect for artists… it offers a portfolio feature. But for other kinds of business, we need something more like facebook pages. Firefish (ex calckey) has pages functionality… I don’t know… I am just thinking out loud.

  • I’ve tried many things in this situations (seeing other girls, distracting with alcohol/drugs, etc) but they all just seem to alleviate the pain when they just throw it under the rug for a while.

    For me, the best way to handle this has been to face my pain altogether. This pain does not come from this event. It is my own ancient pain that has been triggered by my now ex. Staying with the pain, listening to it, feeling it in your body and letting it be there is a transformative act.

    I recommend listening to Pema Chödron’s videos or books. Maybe “When things fall apart”. I personally have been helped a lot by doing the “tonglen” meditation.