• 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • What? Uyghurs have a rich and important culture, one that needs to be preserved and fostered. The CPC has clearly stated that the idea is to assimilate them to a Chinese national identity. It needs to be addressed and critique is warranted. You can even make an argument that an ethnic cleansing has and is occuring. You cannot, however, throw out accusations of genocide when there is no proof. Sorry, you need evidence for genocide. Or at the very least learn what a genocide is because you are clearly confused.

    See: https://youtube.com/watch?v=cz9ICFDk8Js

    The fact you compare me to a Nazi is just disgusting. Do better.

    MLism does not mean stalinism. Lenin is not Stalin. Lenin wrote works that influenced South American, Central American, Eastern Asian, and Pan-African movements that have overthrown fascist regimes. The fact that you lump together every Marxist Leninist together to Stalin, when the movement is diverse, global, and employed differently everywhere is ludicrous. Its the most black and white thinking imaginable. You have never read Lenin or looked into communist movements inspired by him if you lump all of ML into Stalin.

    Again, you refuse to engage with actual words.

  • No seriously I can’t tell if you’re going to say Holodomor which is contentious amongst historians who specialize on the topic or the Uyghur ‘genocide’ that apparently no proof seems to ever materialize.

    Hakim, JT, and Yugopnik aren’t by any means Stalinist, they’re realists who examine material conditions of the Soviet Union, then dispel propaganda and criticize the weaknesses in Soviet policy. Just because they aren’t reactionaries who dont challenge cold war propaganda doesn’t mean they uncritically idolize.

    And what do you mean? Nazi policies of what? They are diametrically opposed on fiscal, social, and government structure. You cannot say it fits into ‘Nazi’ rhetoric without giving an example. I can’t engage with unfalsifiable claims.

  • I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice.

    MLK Jr.

  • Israel told them to go to safe spots, such as refugee shelters or the Rafah crossing. The bombed both anyways. Not only does it take significantly more time to evacuate 2 million people, they had no where to evacuate to. This ship and the employers had an option, go through a passageway where they were explicitly warned they would be fired upon or turn back. They chose to ignore explicit orders believing the US had more control and could grant them safe passage. That’s not remotely comparable.

  • I mostly feel for the two developers who have the task of building a social media network for a wage that couldn’t buy you one developer. They’re overloaded with issues and project goals. You cannot go 10 minutes on the ‘fediverse’ without hearing how the developers are awful tankies while then demanding them to add features. Must be exhausting.

    I agree its an important feature, I want the internet to have privacy in mind. But its really easy to overlook how much work they put in only to be met with such hostility. Everyone talks about ‘but let’s just fork it, that’s the beauty of open source’ when I guarantee you will not find devs with the same dedication or passion.

    Hope that people can agree that wanting this feature is A-OK but that the people working on this project are just overworked people who deserve a bit more respect.