I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • Not once did the pop psychologist disagree with Trump’s rant that the election had been stolen and that drug-crazed, mentally ill criminal migrants were invading the U. S. McGraw agreed with Trump that world leaders respect him; that he created the best U.S. economy in history; that he was the best president for Blacks since Abraham Lincoln; and that he tried to calm down crowds chanting “lock her up” about Hilary Clinton. Instead, he asked how Trump could keep going and why people were so energized against him, since he had done such good things for America? Trump replied that he loved the country, and it was just habit for many people to support Democrats, while others were just evil people.

    This isn’t a surprise. Dr. Phil has always been openly a huge piece of shit that cares more for money than anything else. But dude has his own media personality cult following so of course he had have to do a crossover episode with the felon president.

  • Yeah but batman is literally just as crazy as the villains he fights. Gotham is just glad he has a weird justice obsession instead of a weird clown or scarecrow kink. That’s more interesting than superman just being perfect at everything. I’ve been reading through “Alan Moore in the DC universe” and like, each of the superman stories are just so one note. He is good at everything, until a random mcguffin comes up and then another charcter comes along to pick it off the ground, and then Supes beats up whoever brought the evil space flower to him in the first place.

    I’ll be intrigued to see how Gunn handles him too, but in a life time of reading comics the only superman stories I found interesting was elseworld stuff red son and kingdom come where they treat him as a concept more than a charcter.

    Main universe or any of the movies? Meh.

  • Well, as a queer vegan. Its really hard not to notice that bigots and carnists say the same sort of things.

    “You’re just trying to feel special.” “It’s unnatural, your gentials/teeth were evolved for a specific use”. “Stop trying to convert kidsto your cult.” “Queer/vegan people always think they are so enlighted.”

    But more to the point, defeatism is always an easy excuse to do nothing. But individual actions can have ripple effects through generations. Do you think that those at stonewall would expect an entire month celebrating their actions? Enough people making a choice not to support animal agriculture puts the concept out of business. Do I expect that or liberation soon? No. But it’s gotten LIGHTYEARS better on both fronts in my own lifetime.