• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Yet your argument still ignores all nuance. (…)

    There are no nuances needed to be acknowledged in this specific distinction. People playing in good faith, WILL try to overcome any obstacles according to their experience, skills and maturity. People who don’t, will invent problems and actively search for them rather than focus on solutions. Neither needs Session #0.

    good group doesn’t need session zero and bad group isn’t helped by it

    It’s absolutely wrong take on the dillema. GOOD group doesn’t have to play in good faith - they are good players, experienced veterans, that know the art of role playing well. But they don’t have to put all their skills into good outcome. They may, for many reasons try to undermine the experience, break the game, test the ruleset for weaknesses, focus on one singe aspect of the game (for example, on combat) rather than on the whole adventure. And the other way around - bad gamers, clueless and inexperienced might still try to save their game, make the best of it.

    As you can see, what you’re discussing is wildly different to what I’ve been talking about.

    Now you’re just doing some pedantic backpedaling, as though it changes the fact that your argument hinges on a false binary.

    From where I sit - it’s you who didn’t think through your position and when asked about details became passively-aggressive. Usually a strong hint that you feel you’re/were wrong.

    And it’s ironic that you simultaneously accuse me of lacking nuances and simultaneously of being “too nuanced”. 😬

  • This is wrong. So very wrong. “Stop flying as much”? Dude, the majority of people that I know didn’t fly airplane a single time in their lives. Small percentage flew perhaps a few times in their decades-long lives.

    The lists misses more reasonable things:

    • ditch whatever modern “high energy demand” fad there is, be it bitcoin mining or electric car
    • spend less time on activities that rely on energy consumption, be it online browsing, or playing high-demand video games
    • vote for whatever party there is, that wants to build nuclear power plants and postulate to bring cheap energy to every household
    • vote for whatever party plans to do something about urban infrastructure, so that mass transit and bikes become plausible alternative to a car
    • as much as possible avoid Chinese stuff, avoid enterprises that outsource their work to China, yes it means skipping yet another iCrap announced
    • do not exchange hardware/electronic/digital devices that often, ffs the cpu/gpu/memory values do not matter that much
    • don’t change your diet, but consider improving it - eat less, waste less, do not overindulge on delicacies
    • learn as much as you can about things that reduce your reliance on the society and the products/services it provides