
Hey 👋 I’m Lemann: mark II

I like tech, bicycles, and nature.

Otherwise known as; @lemann@lemmy.one and @lemann@lemmy.world

Dancing Parrot wearing sunglasses

  • 12 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • I have MK8 running in an emulator on my Deck with almost all DLCs. Online used to work using local LAN multiplayer (the emulator would redirect the LAN lobby to a server on the web). For multiplayer to work, all players must have the exact same version of MK8 running in their emulator.

    Since the emulator’s development was shut down by a certain company, online multiplayer functionality needs some config changes to carry on working, and the lobbies are nowhere near as full as they used to be…

    Edit: IIRC, there is a button you must hold while on the MK8 menu to enter local LAN mode

  • IIRC when looking into this originally, there are multiple tools necessary due to additional metadata on the MCs: mcpaste for PS1 saves, psupaste for PS2 saves, and the PS3 uses an entirely different format that needs to be converted prior to use (I don’t remember if you need to jailbreak to get the keys for this)

    Felt there was a bit too much manual stuff involved which could allow human error to come in and mess something up. I did do a copy + psupaste to the internal HDD on a new partition just in-case, but there was no way I was going to risk copying those back onto my only memory card to test if it actually was done right 😅

    The original MC was near full as well, so it’s pretty nice to also be able to spin up new ones when needed (to be fair I believe OPL has a similar feature built in, although some games may freeze using it)

  • Deleting documents from insider branch users a few years back, forced installation of HP SMART printer utility, constantly switching users’ default browser back to Edge, even bypassing my employer’s GPO to do so at one point in a Teams update

    Not to mention their habit of making practically everything opt-in by default. And what is up with the new Aptos “cloud” font that only works if you have an active Office 365 subscription?

    I don’t know tbh, Windows just doesn’t cut it for me anymore personally, mainly because of Microsoft. Stuck with it on my desktop though because of sim hardware.

    I still have XP on an airgapped old PC for nostalgia ☺️

  • “Abusing their dominant position” feels a bit far… the competition is just 💩 IMO. Just the fact that EGS practically gives out games for free, and still struggle to penetrate the market, should tell you all you need to know.

    Steam provides discussion boards, workshop (mods), cloud saves, a whole console (deck), frequent games sales, achievements, best-in-class refund policy, regional CDNs for faster game downloads, and the list goes on. They even still support the Steam Link box which was discontinued several years ago.

    They pretty much go above and beyond the current offerings of any other gaming platform, and have outlasted failed ones like Games For Windows. In the rare case that they do go out of business, there are steam emulators to run your games as long as they do not implement any additional DRM.

    It says Valve “forces” game publishers to sign up to so-called price parity obligations, preventing titles being sold at cheaper prices on rival platforms.

    EGS exclusives are worse, locking a whole other platform out for an entire year. With Steam’s agreement surely you could just run the sale on both platforms at the same time? Anyway, Amazon is well known for doing this, why not take them to court instead?

    enabled Steam to charge an “excessive commission of up to 30%”, making UK consumers pay too much for purchasing PC games and add-on content.

    The 30% fee is a bit high, but looking at everything that it pays for, and the contributions to open source, I don’t think it’s too bad. Publishers are also the ones choosing to price their games high, and to create as many DLCs as possible to increase recurring revenue. The ones who want lower fees already sell on EGS IMO…

  • Not the case with ARM processors sadly, IMO they’re a bit of a mess from that perspective. Proprietary blobs for hardware, unusual kernel hacks for some devices, and no device tree support so you can’t just boot any image on any device. I think Windows for ARM encouraged some standardization in that regard, but for the most part looking at Android devices it’s still very much the wild west.

    This is one of the many reasons why Raspberry Pi ARM boards remain popular for the time being, despite there being so many other cheap alternatives available: they actually keep supporting their old boards & ensure hardware on their boards works from the get-go.

    There are also some rare cases where Raspberry Pi rewrite open source implementations of Broadcom’s proprietary blob drivers, in one instance for the built in CSI (optional camera)

  • I wholeheartedly agree with this tbh. Love FreeCAD for my 3D printing stuff, pretty much use it daily, however compared to something like Solidworks or AutoCAD it would be torture IMO to willingly chose FreeCAD for a complex real world product.

    The biggest roadblock for FreeCAD right now is that is isn’t that forgiving, you often have to go into a “technical” way of thinking to work around its quirks. The reality is, designers want to design, not become technical experts at navigating FreeCAD.

    Even something like creating a thread shouldn’t be as involved as FreeCAD makes it - once you get used to it it’s OK, but in other CAD solutions it’s often as simple as clicking a hole and choosing a thread creation tool…

  • This kind of stuff happens all the time IMO, we’re human and not perfect 🤷‍♂️

    I don’t know how much of a help ChatGPT would be in this situation without access to your schema, at least with Copilot you can write a comment in the code explaining what you’re trying to do and get some usable pointers in the generated suggestion (which takes your codebase into account).

    I usually try to get a second pair of eyes on my code if something that seems relatively simple isn’t working as expected… As you gain more experience these mistakes will become less common, and easier to spot

  • Aside from my linux macbook, the steam deck trackpad is one of the best trackpads I’ve ever used. The “taptic engine” (don’t know the generic term) simulated clicks and feedback on the deck’s trackpad feel so much more refined compared to the standard tactile button used in the original steam controller. Being able to adjust the click pressure level too is a nice bonus.

    I just wish the Deck trackpad was better at ignoring finer movements closer to the click threshold, like a standard trackpad - likely something that could be added with a future update I guess?