• 7 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2023


  • Information overload, particularly as a beginner can be a very real problem as modern IDEs can be a little like drinking from a fire hose. They are by their nature information dense.

    All of what you mention is possible. Which is why I’m wondering if I need android studio to learn? Or can I use something simpler for now? Tutorials I find seem to want you to use AS. Does it do anything special?

    Sort of reminds me of 101 intro beginner linux tutorial that begins with instructing the user to open vi. Even though eventually it’s good to know vi, nano is better to start with.

    I don’t intend this to be rude, but do you perhaps have some kind of visual impairment? Could adjusting your display to use a higher UI scaling help? Maybe bump up the default font sizes? Have you tested to see if you have some kind of colorblindness?

    I’ve done the ones where there is a circle of dots hat have a number in them and I can see all the numbers. Some of them are faint but I assume that’s expected.

    But OTOH in general I find a lot of modern dark color schemes difficult especially the “low contrast” ones difficult to use. My guess has been it’s because I mostly have shitty old hardware and the schemes might be designed by people with fancy modern displays that fix it somehow. Or if you are using a tiling WM instead of stacking windows on top of one another, the fact that the titlebar of the active window melts into the content of the one behind it may be a non issue.

  • So the following all drive me insane in exactly the same way:

    • Android Studio
    • VSCode/ium
    • Submlime
    • Brackets
    • Atom
    • various smaller projects that i uninstalled and can’t remember the names of them

    They can be somewhat ameliorated by

    • uninstalling/removing/hiding features that are not in use if possible (but risk having to spend 30 minutes looking for it if you ever need it)
    • finding a high contrast theme so at least you can mostly see where one visual area stops and the next one begins
    • Never opening more than a single document
    • don’t use terminal, git or anything else. don’t use any sidebars. remove status bars.

    by way of contrast, these ones are either not confusing, or confusing in their own unique ways:

    • Kate
    • Notepad++
    • Geaney
    • jEdit
    • gedit
    • Mousepad
    • TextMate
    • BBEdit
    • Textadept

    Only considering GUI-based editors.

  • It’s written in a messy way but I actually read it the opposite way.

    There is a non insignificant portion of the gun community who, when presented with the concept of “everybody should be taught gun safety, because it’s a right granted to us” relating specifically to liberals (go figure) happen to get really fucking antsy at the thought of people they don’t like owning guns.

    I think what @KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com meant was that the 2A people don’t seem to be very interested in defending gun rights for people outside their circles. I don’t know if I’d use liberals as the example here. I think Black people would be far more salient.

    Did the NRA Support a 1967 ‘Open Carry’ Ban in California? | Snopes.com

    While 1967 was a long time ago, the “antsiness” has remained. How often do you hear of these people doing anything to defend the people who are the primary targets of anti gun laws? Which is, by a large margin, Black and other racialized people.

    I heard an interview with some Public Defenders who had submitted an amicus brief in relation to a guns rights case on the basis that even though the actual case was stupid, changing the law would materially improve the lives of overincarcerted communities. I thought it was on 5-4 podcast in follow up to the first ep that covered the case in a less friendly way: New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen. I don’t find the subsequent ep where they had the PDs on for an interview… maybe it was taken down.

  • I freaking hate blue LEDs.

    I actively avoid buying anything with a blue LED because they are so obnoxious. So bright. Why do I want to read by the light of my HDD? Does this video explain why they have to be like that?

    Maybe if you have a separate wing of the mansion to do computing stuff it is not annoying. But if like a lot of people you have electronics in your living space, these lights are extremely disruptive.

    It seems that can’t really be dimmed… I had to give up on a couple of blue backlit alarm clocks because there is no way that the time can be visible without illuminating the whole area around them.

    For whatever reason, red is the best one. I would prefer another color aesthetically. For whatever reason, red is the only color that does what it has to do and nothing more.

  • I was trying to learn this again last week. I just play around with this stuff for fun.

    If I want to consolidate all the commits into a a single message (to create a changelog sort of), which kind of merge do I use?

    Another question: I’m torn between wanting to keep a complete history of my work, for my own benefit, and not wanting anyone to see how messy and crappy everything is. I’ve been trying to work in one branch then merge only when a task is “complete”. But it’s a bit confusing for me especially if I leave a project for a while then come back to it. Especially especially if submodules are involved. Is there some sort of convention about how to do this? Or am I thinking about it wrong?