• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • Having to copy a line from a document titled “The Principles of Communism” just to sign up should’ve tipped you off that something was a bit weird.

    Uh what? How is it weird to have a mild anti-bot task in a registration process? That’s pretty normal.

    If you’re objecting to the content in the text, well that’s just silly. A communist instance referencing communist writings is not “weird”, that’d be entirely within the realm of reasonable expectation.

    If you feel so threatened by the mere presence of communism in your bubble, maybe don’t try to join an instance by and for them? How dare the dastardly communists be so happy and welcoming to everyone!

  • Luke@lemmy.mltoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comReminder...
    1 month ago

    That’s kind of a circular logic though; the DNC alienates voters who don’t like their blessed candidates. If they didn’t do that, and more leftist candidates like Sanders were welcomed, then the “average Democrat” might look a bit different.

  • Luke@lemmy.mltoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comReminder...
    1 month ago

    Hillary won the popular vote in 2016 by a nearly 3 million vote margin, I don’t think you need to feel any regret over your one vote going to someone else you actually wanted to vote for.

    Also, even if she’d lost the popular vote too, it ain’t the voters fault that the DNC keeps deliberately sabotaging the good candidates in their primaries to give us turds.

  • Not to excuse the lack acceptance but understanding it’s source is how we can defeat it.

    To be clear, I hope you mean defeating the lack of widespread understanding and care for autistics, not “defeating autism”, whatever that would entail. I like the way my brain works, and I hope you like yours. The problem is other people being assholes to us.

  • Luke@lemmy.mltoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comNeoliberal adaptation
    4 months ago

    Those aren’t comparable situations IMO.

    People can’t just pack up and leave because they disagree with their neighbors in real life, that takes money which not many people have a surplus of, especially in Alabama. That’s not a choice.

    Using Twitter is completely different, it costs nothing financially to stop going go a website. Your point about the social aspect and need for community is not wrong, but also if one values their social connections with fascists and fascist-enablers… well… I think you see where I’m going with that. That is a choice.

  • It’s not downloadable software, but you might check out WordPress if you haven’t recently, it’s open source and free (though you do need to host it somewhere).

    It used to have kind of a bad reputation for being a horrible hodgepodge of bad editing UI and random plugins that do things in wildly different ways, but the WordPress team has really stepped up their game in the last few years and it’s actually very nice now as long as you stay away from the commercial plugins. There’s almost always an open source plugin available for anything you’d want to do, but the out of box experience is plenty good for most pages you’d be likely to need.

    WordPress has a very nice “block editor” enabled by default these days, which is essentially just their name for a WYSIWYG interface. Use drag and drop to design the pages, and then click a button to see it in a “code editor” that shows the HTML if you’d rather edit that way.

    Anyhow, I know it’s not exactly what you asked for, but I thought I’d mention it since you did say you are open to something web based.