A little bit of neuroscience and a little bit of computing

  • 94 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2023


  • Yea I agree. Like I said in the OP text, there may have been a long drawn out transition that is only hitting hard enough now, especially because of age demographics. If true, you’d expect that we’ve reached the point where the internet generations (millennial and younger) are the majority of the potential cinema going audience.

    Which feels right.

    It seems to me that 90s kid millennials and their young children are the current “mainstream”. And boomers have just shifted out of dominance in the past 5 years or so. The pandemic may have masked this shift TBH and we may have been talking about it more if it weren’t for the pandemic.

  • Eggers … vampires … Dafoe … ummm Fuck Yes.

    I saw this trailer without knowing Eggers was attached, picked up on an Eggers-ish vibe, but was skeptical (I missed the credit early in the trailer) and looked it up … seeing it was his film was a very pleasing surprise!

    Probably easily most anticipated film of the year for me.

  • I suspect the basilisk reveals more about how the human mind is inclined to think up of heaven and hell scenarios.

    Some combination of consciousness leading to more imagination than we know what to do with and more awareness than we’re ready to grapple with. And so there are these meme “attractors” where imagination, idealism, dread and motivation all converge to make some basic vibe of a thought irresistible.

    Otherwise, just because I’m not on top of this … the whole thing is premised on the idea that we’re likely to be consciousnesses in a simulation? And then there’s the fear that our consciousnesses, now, will be extracted in the future somehow?

    1. That’s a massive stretch on the point about our consciousness being extracted into the future somehow. Sounds like pure metaphysical fantasy wrapped in singularity tech-bro.
    2. If there are simulated consciousnesses, it is all fair game TBH. There’d be plenty of awful stuff happening. The basilisk seems like just a way to encapsulate the fact in something catchy.

    At this point, doesn’t the whole collapse completely into a scary fairy tale you’d tell tech-bro children? Seriously, I don’t get it?

  • Was it written during the pandemic?

    My general impression is that all the media that tried to do things the same way despite the pandemic’s restrictions often hit weird quality problems … just like this. So much of it will look like it came from before/after the pandemic, but the writing or plot or something will just feel wrong … almost as though someone was told to keep writing no matter what even though really didn’t want to or just struggled to work, cuz creative work sometimes can’t be forced.

    On the flip side, it seemed that any media/art that leaned into the pandemic experience thrived … because it was speaking truth … and you, that’s a good way to be creative.