• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • That’s a terrible thing to say!

    …Only joking.

    I tried to buy an EV for my parents a couple of weeks ago and the dealer had the EV misinformation playbook memorised and tried to convince us that EVs were a fad and that should get a hybrid until Hydrogen takes over.

    I’ve decided that whenever I see these common myths, I’m not going to just let the misinformation go unquestioned.

    In this case I think specifically focusing on EVs will generate more clicks for article writers, but it does also feed a common anti-EV narrative that they are somehow worse than ICE cars because of tire wear, which is not true.

    I do see the other side that the tires being developed are specifically looking at EV owners, so this is a tough one to get the balance right on, but I do still think the headline is written to stir trouble and generate clicks.

    One thing is certain, America needs to stop buying so many trucks!

  • I agree some people should stop driving, but we do have tests here to ensure they are safe. The reality is when people live in places with poor public transport and the nearest hospital 25miles away giving up driving can mean giving up a lot of your freedom. If they are going to drive I’d like to see them do it in a modern car with all the collision avoidance and pedestrian safety technology rather than a 5m long two tonne lump of German steel.