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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Having lots of rounds of interviews, as long as each one is effective and focused on a different aspect, in my experience is a green flag because it means they take great care in hiring and you end up working with excellent people. My current job had a talent team screening call, a high level technical best practices discussion, a practical homework assignment with follow-up peer interview and problem solving session, a cross-guild culture interview, and a chat with one of the founders. Apart from the first and last ones they each took more than an hour but they all felt very productive in terms of gathering information in both directions. And it’s by far the best job I’ve ever had

    Also the large salary range makes sense if they are hiring e.g. multiple developers and are open to a large range of seniorities/experience levels

  • miridius@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worlddas bagel
    14 days ago

    As an Australian living in Germany for over a decade I’m still not that impressed with German bakeries. The pretzels are awesome and the bread is fine but the sandwiches are lame. They’re like mostly bread and never more than 1 or 2 toppings. A German once told me it’s because the point of the sandwich is the bread and if there are too many toppings you won’t taste the bread 😅

    Germans love their bread so much but I think it’s just because that’s what they grew up with, I don’t think it’s objectively as good as they think it is

  • Tbh you can actually quite easily buy a computer with Linux pre installed (ironically they cost more than the ones that come with windows though). I wouldn’t recommend it though, regardless of tech literacy. The problem is that Linux is like 70% easy and great, 20% frustratingly glitchy and unfinished, and 10% getting stuck on completely impossible problems that you will lose weeks of your life to before eventually concluding that no solution actually exists. Nothing ever quite just works, there’s always some caveat or minor issue and you end up chasing rabbit holes instead of actually using your computer to do what you wanted to do