Killing and eating what you kill is not wrong, it’s natural and historical.
…¿por qué no los tres?..
Killing and eating what you kill is not wrong, it’s natural and historical.
…¿por qué no los tres?..
…almost exclusively from sprouts, supplemented with occasional trips to target or HEB when we need paper products…
…it’s clearly a recently-filmed parody…
…i’ll do it for an auto-renewing subscription of only $999 per month…
…or shadow of the demon lord…
…technically, it’s not not classified, it’s unclassified…
…does unclassified require something to have first been classified?..semantically, certainly, but technically i have no idea…
…tejanos around here can be of any ethnicity: it’s considered a cultural identity (not unlike hispanic or latino) for folks with deep roots in the original regional melting-pot but it’s not synonymous with the texian or broader post-revolutionary texan population…
…you dad did very well; give him a hug this december…
…what about a battleship with turret-catapult A10 float planes?..
…if you don’t want to be called a facist, maybe stop being such a f*cking fascist, fascist…
…know what they called people who supported the nazi party despite disagreeing with some of its policies?..nazis…
…please keep to the right except to pass…
…i remember pretenders; less articulation than even action masters…
…one could fairly argue that they originally jumped the shark when hasbro took design in-house but at least headmasters transformed…
…can i reposition my taskbar? it’s not the f*cking same…
…excuse me sir, do you know where they store the ragu?..
…green was so much easier on the eyes; i miss it…