• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • You can just use crypto for its intended purpose and not give a shit about the whole culture around it. I frequently use it to buy gift cards not available in my country, a VPN, and pay securely without giving away all my data.

    The real issue is people coming and bastardizing the concept by trying to get rich, and treating it as some kind of gambling machine.

    He didn’t say “i don’t believe in crypto because it’s a scam” he said “I don’t believe in crypto, except on its use as a scam” so it’d be great to hear why.

  • net00@lemm.eetoBean@lemmy.worldBean is toast
    2 months ago

    I opened a fraud report too detailing as best as I could in 1000 characters (maximum limit of the complaint text box) how this scam went down, but I don’t think anything will come of it. Apple just said “thanks, we’ll check it, but won’t reply”

    How easy this scam was pulled off pisses me off the most, not the 30 bucks I wasted. A dev can build hype with promises, release a half-cooked app, get people to buy it with some sale tactics, and then disappear.

    You logically give devs time to work on the stuff, so by the time you start getting worried of being scammed, the refund window is out.

    I’m ranting more about Apple here than the bean devs. You often see other storefronts step up in similar situations to do right by their users.

    I’ve been using Arctic for a few months now, and it’s very impressive.

  • net00@lemm.eetoBean@lemmy.worldExpectation management
    5 months ago

    I bought bean lifetime because all of the promises the dev told us, not because of the current state of the app.

    Apple has a refund reason of “My purchase does not work as expected” which does kinda fit here. Thing is, the window to make the claim had expired, and I couldn’t convince them to check it.

  • The worst thing is that there are many bootlickers out there. Worker rights are a joke and companies have infinite ways of fucking you over.

    In this instance the HR snakes were caught with their pants down and looked like imbeciles.

    But for example many people get placed on PiP with unrealistic goals, or harassed by management over petty mistakes. The only goal being saving the corporation some money by claiming low performance.

    A lot of people out there need to get their head out of their asses if they think this is ok.

  • net00@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldThe current state of Twitch
    6 months ago

    I’ll never understand how Twitch became as big as a thing as it is.

    You already answered that in your comment.

    You want to watch videos, not livestreams. Of course a video will be better at being, you know, a video (nicely edited, in short format, etc). A livestream is different for many reasons, none of which interests you apparently.

    Nothing wrong with that tbh. It’s just not for you.