The red area is the equivalent of a stadium seat that is obstructed by a column:
The red area is the equivalent of a stadium seat that is obstructed by a column:
Worst part of this is that there is a demand. There are 20 people applying for one mattress sleeping pod (name everything as “pod” and it sounds futuristic and elite). How is this place ventilated? Can you imagine the unbeareable stench the tenants emit while dwelling there? No wonder it violates city codes. The “privacy curtain” is a joke, you can’t leave your stuff there unattended. It will get stolen in no time. It’s like staying in a youth hostel.
It was solved for a brief time. Now people have these plastic coins you sometimes recieve as a promotional gift and since it is not a real coin, people stop putting the carts to the corral. You can witness this every time holidays are coming up and people are stocking their groceries. And the culprit is always middle-aged Karens who also don’t indicate when leaving the parking lot in their SUV.
Having a fridge running is nothing complicated compared to a computer. The compressor and the light inside are the only things that are being powered. Both components work mechanically: The compressor has an electric motor that is running when fed with electricity. Pistons inside the compressor are linked mechanically to the electric motor. The light inside the fridge is operated with a switch that is mecahanically connected to the door. The light is off when the door is closed. As long as electricity is fed to the fridge, it keeps running.
Computers however are more complicated, as they basically are running clocks that connect an event with a time stamp. They can get disturbed easily when several events happen. When a computer is running long enough it can happen that the memory overflows when a specific event is being executed for example. For this reason it is renommended that your smartphone is supposed to be restarted at least one a month, otherwise it couldn’t function properly.
If refrigerators were operated the same way as a computer, like your laptop or smartphone, I bet it has to be restarted every once in a while, otherwise a malfunction would occur. To my knowledge refrigerators are built the same like 40 years ago, albeit with more efficient compressors, better insulation and less harmful refrigerant.
It’s a snat. They are not easy to catch, because they are fast. Also, they never land on their shell.
It’s not that this lifestyle isn’t socially acceptable, but it comes with some disadvantages. As pointed out by others, if you have a partner that is living an opposite lifestyle (“normal” day time work - night time sleep) you both wouldn’t have that much time together being awake and active. Also, another disadvantage is that everyone else is active during your resting time, which is during the day. Loud neighbors, traffic, socializing, etc. Errands, like appointments, are often possible only during daytime.
Attending a nocturnal lifestyle over an extended period of time is also less healthy from the biological point of view.
If your biological preference is set to be nocturnal however, and you can compensate for the aforementioned disadvantages, go for it. Nobody will be judging you.
This sounds like a bad idea.
According to the linked article this diamond dust is to be injected into the stratosphere. Wouldn’t this interfere with aviation? Airplanes also travel inside the stratosphere. Also, wouldn’t placing diamond dust in the atmoshphere interfere with the launching of satellites/ rockets? One could argue that there is also sand dust present, but diamond dust consists of way harder particles than sand. As pointed out in the comments: would’t the diamond dust also have an impact on surfaces when it comes down (the example mentioned was scratching of car’s windshields) to the ground? Is it safe to breathe?
It seems that those aged roughly between 30 - 50 hit the sweet spot when it comes to computer literacy.
There is an interesting text about it, albeit it is 11 years old already: Kids can’t use computers… and this is why it should worry you
Krass finde ich auch, wie diese Kinder im Gesicht gealtert sind. Das sind Greise im Körper von Kindern.
Edit: Sorry, I forgot that the post was in English:
It is remarkable how these children have aged (see their faces). These are old people in the bodies of children.
Really? My laptop doesn’t. Maybe it depends on if the battery is designed to be removed by customer or if it is hidden inside the laptop, making it accessible only with tools.
Since laptops are equipped with a battery anyway, they lack of a coin cell (mostly a CR2032 cell) to keep track of time. This means that your laptop will not be able to estimate the correct time and date when powered with energy outside of the original battery, and these settings have to be made manually each time your laptop will be used.
It will work fine without the correct time set, but you might have issues with files that are created “in the future” (from your laptops perspective).
I have an old laptop (still in use occasionally, because I have a scanner that is too old to be operated with current software) where I replaced its battery once. The sign the battery was dead was that the OS issued a warning the laptop was not able to tell the correct time.
Yes. I’d rather smash my femur at a pop up headlight while lounching over the engine hood than being dragged underneath an SUV street tank and being squashed.
The technology behind telecommunication.
Today everything happens inside your router, fast and silent. My father was a telecommunications engineer. When I was a amall boy (late 1980s) he once took me to his workplace (it was in the evening and he was supposed to troubleshoot). What today fits onto a few silicone chips inside a router took much more space back them.
I was in a room that was filled with several wardsobe-sized cabinets. Inside there were hundreds of electro-mechanical relays that were in motion, spinning and clicking, each time someone in the city dialed a number (back then rotary phones were quite common). It was quite loud. There also was a phone receptor inside one of the cabinets where one could tap into an established connection, listening into the conversation two strage people had (it was for checking if a connectiion works).
I still remeber the distinct “electrical” smell of that room (probably hazardous vapors from long forbidden cable insulation and other electrical components).
So when you dialed a number at one place with your rotary phone, you were able to move some electro-mechanical parts at another place that could be located somewhere else around the globe (hence long distance calls).
Auf Wikipedia gibt es ein Schaubild, das die Generationen gut darstellt. Ich halte mich immer an diese Einordnung.
Verzichten müssen Office 2024-Nutzer dagegen auf die Kollaborations-Software Teams. Auch die aus Office365 bekannte Möglichkeit, Daten direkt in der Cloud zu speichern, fällt komplett weg.
Klingt eher wie ein Feature.
I can’t access the link in this post. I found a paper on the internet that describes the process and also has some pictures: A Complete Electron Microscopy Volume of the Brain of Adult Drosophila melanogaster
Wichtiger wäre es, die echten Probleme anzugehen: Die Mitarbeitenden in Jobcentern fühlen sich seit Jahren überlastet, die Digitalisierung der Verwaltung läuft schleppend. Viele, die Grundsicherung bekommen, brauchen aber möglichst schnell Weiterbildungen, Sprachkurse und unbürokratischere Zugänge zum Arbeitsmarkt. Unter den Bürgergeldempfängerinnen sind viele Alleinerziehende. Wie sollen die arbeiten, wenn ihre Kinder nicht ausreichend betreut sind?
Das sind die Probleme, die mit den Sanktionen kaschiert werden sollen. Es geht wohl kaum um die ca. 16.000 Bürgergeldempfänger, die sich total verweigern, eine Stelle anzunehmen.
Es werden sich in den nächsten Jahren noch so einige CDU/SPD/AfD-Wähler umgucken, wenn es auf einmal sie selbst betrifft.
What kind of toilet paper are you using?
Not that I know of. I think they automatically use the mask that works “best” while these codes are generated. I have tried some (free) QR code generators and there is no hint that the mask can be choosed.
If you have Affinity Designer 2, you are able to generate QR codes within the software. No need to sign up for a free one. But when creating a QR code with Affinity, there is no option to choose the mask.
This is a 1972 documentary about the life in the year 2000. It is in German, but English subtitles can be set up in the video settings. It turned out to be a bit different, but some predictions back then came to reality.