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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The_Pete@lemmy.worldtoADHD@lemmy.worldCan ADHD benefit others?
    4 months ago

    Absolutely, it seems to me that a larger than normal portion of the IT industry is full of people with ADHD. Especially systems, networking and security type jobs where knowing a little about everything and then being willing to dive deep on something is extremely helpful.

    Large complex systems require large complex knowledge bases to run, and curious people that tend to learn everything about something that catches their attention instead of shrug and walk away as soon as its working endup having diverse skillsets.

    Obviously, you’ll still have to learn to moderate it if you want to be employable. But, there’s defiantly a world out there where curious people that love to learn a stack of assorted skills and are quick pattern matchers can excell.

    Even better, go find yourself a poorly maintained and managed stack where everything is a fire drill and all the sudden you’re in focus mode all the time. Your work queue is just a stack of the most pressing issues and your brain is wired to be energized by the new, unknown and urgent.

    Some people fatigue from being presented a giant unknown issue while someone is standing behind them with a stop watch or, more likely a lost revenue counter. Not you, buddy, that’s you’re home turf. ‘Mean time to recovery’ of complex systems that you’ve never even heard of isajist the score on your favorite game.

    Now, here’s a big big caveat. You can’t live your life in a healthy way running under stress 100% of the time. And you can’t deliver longer term system improvements that solve the stress problem by just banking on stress to fix your executive function. So at a certain point, it starts to be career limiting.

    You’ll go from the tech that can figure anything out to the engineer that knows the whole system but can’t drive meaningful process improvements and keeps the stack in the same disarray. Your job as you advance is to make to make your massive systems look less like your brain over time.

    And here’s the good news. You have a deep catalogue of failure modes in your head. And your gut instinct is going to be right a lot of times as you start to build or replace systems.

    The catch, at this stage is that you’ll need to learn how to articulate your years of high pressure undocumented fixes (instincts) into guiding principles you can show to people and explaine why its better.

    You’ll have yo learn how to timebox deep exploration, how to finish your full tasks, how to plan and predict the amount of time it takes you to get things done.

    I should do a more detailed writeup at some point. But, let’s be honest. . .

    I expect there are many trades like this, some where you can just live in that world where work comes out of a queue and you work until its not an emergency. I bet being an EMT or other type of first responder, would be a good ffromnt I assume a lot of kitchen staff in fast paced restaurants all have it.

    I worked as a tech for years in factories with large machine and convayence systems, more mechanical than computer, same deal.

    I’ve been a Machinery operator, and that was great, I could hyperfocuse and deliver, good with the machines because your predicting how your actions will affect the thing the machine is operating on. And, if you’re interested in the struggle for perfect efficiency with your machine, you can play the game where you try to cut every available motion to only essentials. Did you know if you’re loading a truck far away, its still (almost always) faster to return to your pile backwards than to turn twice? You’ll know that because you’ve got the brain capacity to excel at your job while tracking patterns and doing side quests.

    Did you know that roughly 10-15% of the wear that is put on the skid skidsteer tires is unnecessary? That’s right, I ran a machine with bike tire odometers on all for tires. If you lift the front tires with the bucket whenever its empty and you turn you can save a considerable amount of rotations on your tires. But do note, that the optimal tire savings is inversely proportional to the replacement time on the front bucket edge, so factor in the surface you’re turning on, can this turn be moved from the street to the lawn without slowing total round trip? You’d want a stop watch in your cab for that shit. Can I make a single wide turn instead of a tank to save rubber without slowing down my total speed? Which also brings us back to, can I keep time and just go backwards one way so I never have to turn at all? Hey its 5pm . . .

    ADHD is kinda cool in some ways. No one thinks about that shit the same way you will. What really sucks is the start of your life is the school part, and that is hard all the way around, but when you get out into the real world, there’s all sorts of things you can do and probably do better than other people, but you have to learn to work within the constraints your mind gives you.

  • Well, there’s two ways forward, one is that you bite the bullet and get your AA which almost always transfers as most of the first 2 years and you’ll be on to most of your degree course work.

    Or, you apply directly college again and you write tour essays on how you’ve grown as a person. The second one will require some time between being suspended and applying again so I don’t know if its an option and that usually requires you have something to show for your about face, I.e. you’ve worked your way up in some kind ofcareerr for a few years. So that can be a real trick.

    They aren’t concerned with if you’ll be learning anything while you raise your grades, they are concerned if you are going to put in the effort and stick with it so they don’t take an opportunity from someone that actually wants to put in the work.

    It’s kinda BS, but also, its adult consequences in an adult world. At the end of the day, you made decisions that make colleges think you need to do some highschool work again so, you’re going to have to deal with the consequences, and that includes doing redundant work, both in cc and then to fill in the gaps once you transfer.

  • Myrecommendations is probably to host a next cloud instance. Does all the standard ‘cloud stuff’. File, contact, calendar sync, plus a bunch if other stuff if you want to add it via plugins. If you’re patient, and a single use you can host it on basically anything. If you decide you want to add users or have a faster site, you can go down the route of sorting out faster hardware or better specs and suck.

  • To be fair, every part of it is a small binary that generally does a single thing. You don’t have to run them all or even install them but they bring a lot of necessary functionality around base host bootstrapping that everyone used to write in shell for every distro.

    I find it nice as an operators of multiple infrastructures to be able to log into a Linux system and have all the hosts bootstrapped in a relatively similar fashion with common tools.

    Sysv kinda sucked because everyone had to do it all themselves. Then we got sysv, openrc, upstart and then systems and there was a while there where you never knew what you’d get if you logged into a box. And oh look, I gotta remember 10 different config file locations and syntaxes to assign an IP. Different syntaxes to start a daemon. Do I need to install a supervisor or does that come with the init.

    People are doing a lot of really cool stuff with Linux OSs assigning IP addresses in 10 different ways or starting programs was never one of them.

    Its also not that systemd has a monopoly, there are other init systems out there, but all the big distros, RH, Debian, ubuntu, arch . . . all came to the same decision that it was the best available init and adopted it. There are other options and any one of those projects is big enough to maintain its own init, but no one really finds the value in dedicating reaources, so they haven’t.