• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • …are you serious?

    There would be so much data in understanding people’s light usage. For example, you could figure out how late or early people get up, number of people living in a house, how crowded the house is, how many lights are used per room, etc etc. it would be a gold mine of information.

    Let’s say you’re a home automaton designer. You want to design devices to be used in the home, but in order to design such devices, you need enough of a stockpile of user data. This lightbulb data would be incredible valuable.

    You can probably even analyse the data and determine things like whether someone is watching tv late at night.

    From a nefarious view, how valuable would this data be to robbers and thieves?

  • There was a prophetic podcast episode from the series Plain English a while back that I constantly think about.

    In that episode the author describes how the internet is going through a revolution.

    Basically 20 years ago, the internet was all about gaining numbers. Companies could operate at a loss if they got people signed up. Facebook, Google, YouTube, Uber, Deliveroo, etc. they were all about getting you in their mailing list or consumer list and who cares what happens then.

    Now there’s an issue because that model is not profitable. In order to continue, all the internet is moving towards subscription.

    In a sense, I don’t think of that as intrinsically bad. Patreon is a good example. The internet is now filled up with so much shit that people are willing to pay to filter it. So with Patreon, you pay a fee to support an artist to produce the content you want. That itself isn’t a bad idea.

    Now that being said, a lot of “bad things” do emerge. The fact that you can no longer buy software like Adobe and it’s all subscription based. That’s shit. But that also inspired software alternatives like Affinity Designer.

  • phario@lemmy.catoLinux@lemmy.mlHyprland is a toxic community
    10 months ago

    Hmmm. If abuse happens, is the right idea to say that “I don’t need this community”?

    I’m not sure how that HackerNews comment helps in the slightest. If my university has an obscure basket weaving community and people are getting abused in that community, should I just say “Eh we don’t actually need a basket weaving community”.

    It’s also amusing to me that a commenter on a relatively obscure and niche website is complaining that that don’t need (or care about abuse that transpired on) a niche community from another website. And then this comment is echoed in yet another niche community.

  • That’s like asking why, if you’re a programmer why you don’t just work for another company on your day off.

    NBA players are professionals. They’re paid to play in the NBA season. They get plenty of tailored Xs and Os in their season and post season. They probably all need permission from their teams or stipulations on their contract that they can compete in the off season. If they get hurt, they (and their team) stand to lose millions of dollars.

    For players with families and significant ones as well, they’re already away from their families for extended periods.

    I’m not trying to be patronising but we do have to think of them as professionals. Not high school ballers who are grateful for any chance to touch the ball. The situation is slightly different for players who are playing for their country or for Olympic pride, etc.

  • I find the whole thing a strange debate. The USA Track and Field National Trials are known as some of the most competitive in the world and you might argue the competition is as competitive as an international competition. But it’s not. Nobody who wins Nationals would call themselves a World Champion.

    The NBA Championship might contain the best players in the world but it is not an international competition. It is open only to American teams and to people who have work visas in America (minus one team in Canada). It’s the height of American ignorance to fall it a World Championship.

    As far as I know this isn’t done in hockey. NHL players don’t call themselves World Champions.

    I don’t really understand why this is controversial. It doesn’t invalidate the dominance of American basketball. It only serves to highlight how absolutely ignorant Americans are and their belief that the world centres around USA USA USA.

    Let me get this right. You made up a league only open to American teams and Americans or foreigners with work visas in America. And then you call yourselves the World Champions? Does that sound weird?

  • I kind of both enjoy and detest that site. A lot of the time I just want to know the best general knot for a general situation—not a million knots I’ll never use where I have to click and read about each one.

    Like for instance, if I need a loop at the end of a cord, a bowline is a good knot.

    What about if I need a knot that allows me to take a rope around a pole? Like a hitch.

    It would be nice to have a single website just giving the top 5 knots you need to cover 90% of the situations.

  • phario@lemmy.catoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    Sorry, I think you misunderstand that I’m talking about a large scale problem rather than a personal problem. Of course people can individually download videos to preserve.

    Imagine losing YouTube’s videos next week. You would have effectively lost nearly two decades worth of media chronicling human and technological development (more if you take into account that YouTube has repositories of older media).

    Someone described it like the Library Alexandria. In terms of density of information, I think the comparison is apt.

    A good comparison that might be too old for some readers. Back in the 80s and 90s, the early internet was populated via usenet discussions. Google eventually bought this data and merged it into Google Groups. However Google Groups was disbanded. This meant that some archives can no longer be accessed because to do so requires some active component no longer in service. We have effectively lost gigantic chunks of early 90s internet history. A lot of this history was quite important in many facets of life.

  • phario@lemmy.catoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    There is already something like this via the Wayback Machine (who indeed do copies of video media but more typically VHS and other things) and things like the Russian Library genesis, which is kept in torrent format.

    The problem really is that storage for video media is insane compared to storage of document or even photo data.

    If people here haven’t read into it, it’s incredibly interesting to look into the way the Internet Archive works. In particular you have to begin to concern yourselves with how long it takes for HDs, SSDs, and other media to degrade in time.

  • phario@lemmy.catoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    Hmm to be fair with YouTube you don’t think this is now a repository of incredibly valuable resources? If YouTube went down and we lost all videos, we would be losing many important resources, from historical documentaries no longer easily found in media, to guides on woodworking.

    It’s a bit scary. Once you remove the crap, it’s an incredibly valuable library resource and time capsule.

  • I just noticed this.

    As others have mentioned the stars have been largely useless in the last little while so to be honest I’m not sure this has any impact. Even sites that try and give a rating based on fake reviews are not helpful because so many reviews are faked. The only helpful part is to try and read negative reviews.

    I imagine this star fiasco is something that’s easy for browser plugins to reverse.

    I would love to see AI and Machine Learning used to filter out fake reviews. This would actually be useful.

  • Nah this is changing.

    This of course is what they said about tablets. Now people are replacing desktop or laptop workflow with tablets, or alternatively tablets are being designed with removable keyboards so the lines are blurred.

    I know scientific researchers who now only travel to conferences with tablets instead of their laptops.

    Finally, I predict that we’re moving to cloud computing. It’s the natural way. You VPN into a network and your computing is done on a cluster or on a central computer.

    The same is already happening for gaming. People are connecting controllers and glasses like the Xreal Air to phones, then networking into a computer to play a desktop game on their phone.