Works fine here on Fennec (Firefox android fork).
Works fine here on Fennec (Firefox android fork).
I’ve been going to the gym 2-4 times per week for about a year now. It’s a massive chore every single time and I don’t enjoy doing it but I do it for health benefits.
When I was a kid, I used to “play” Operation Flashpoint. I remember being too dumb to realise that the mouse was used to move the camera so it was basically me moving around with arrow keys and strafing to see a little to the left and right.
I had the demo of Tomba 1 (or Tombi as it was called in certain regions) on PS1. Used to play the shit out of that demo when I was a kid.
It also means that the rendering will potentially be different on each platform given they all use different native webviews (and there’s no “native” webview on Linux but WebKit-gtk is the most widely used one)