It’s the year of the Linux desktop! Great time to make the switch 🤩
Apple adheres to the principle of form over function, instead of the old but still valid form follows function design principle. But TBH I never liked their stuff or their over the top big cheese attitude. So it’s not a disgruntled apple user writing this.
The data about LSD lethality in humans is sparse at best it seems:
Beschlagnahmte Geldwerte gehen an die entsprechende Landes- oder Bundeskasse und natürlich nicht an die Polizei, wir sind ja nicht in den USA.
IMHO sport is a misnomer. “Game” seems more fitting to me.
When people in conversations tell me they’ve got nothing to hide, I routinely ask them for their bank details.
If possible, you can go to Europe. Study for free and as a bonus, you can gain some life experience and new perspectives.
That’s why sports channels are much more expensive than everything else. It’s harder to pirate live sports events. FKN corpos made it impossible for my parents to watch Wimbledon.
It is of course to good a story to be true: