• 10 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023


  • I find it dangerous to allow the existence of a not-voting community to continue because there is already such tragically low voter turnout that actual progressive local leaders who could affect change at the community level don’t get elected, but right-wingers with rabid fanbases do.

    We need to be encouraging people to get involved with local politics and voting in every election so that the government can actually function the way we would like to see it, and have them hold big businesses accountable. The way to do this is by supporting people-powered candidates who don’t take donations from PACs and corporate donors. Grassroots organizing includes electing people-first candidates to positions where they can represent the grassroots.

    Make no mistake, I also would like to see the dissolution of the state. A classless, stateless society is possible, but must be achieved by transforming the evil into something that works for all, then its necesity fades away as the infrastructure has been put in place. Unfortunately we are still in a phase in which we need the state, but we will eventually get to the point where we don’t. For now, we need to vote to make it work.

  • not memes for me but anime. there’s no way to block whole instances i don’t wanna see. if i don’t wanna see ani.social on my feed at all i have to block every community on the instance, which is just not possible.

    memes though is gonna be hard for you because a lot of people use meme formats to communicate in any topic. the science side of lemmy memes about science stuff. the programmers meme about computer stuff. but that’s not all they do, there’s more than just memes, there’s actual discussion too. to completely get rid of memes and never see them on a lemmy feed again is gonna be an impossible task.