• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • That is true, but it is still an acceptable action within that context.

    Paladins, at least the generic form of the term, aren’t held to an impossible standard. If you pick specific versions of paladin, you might run into cases where an unintentional violation of oath works to negate their holiness, but that’s rule issues, not concept issues.

    Self defense is allowed within every version of paladin because they’re knights, warriors. Illusion, insanity, trickery, it doesn’t matter because that’s external the the paladin. If their actions are righteous (and self defense is in this kind of discussion), and their intent was pure, they’re still holy.

    They might need to atone for the killing anyway, but that’s a separate issue from them being a paladin.

    If anything, Don Quixote’s later actions show that he wouldn’t have taken a life in his right mind, which points back to his righteousness.

  • I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that writer sucks at his job. That was just a pointless rant for the majority of the page.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying a movie critic is required to use formal writing rules. But when it’s that sloppy and over dramatic, it puts his opinion of the movie in doubt because anyone that sloppy likely won’t have the ability to grasp any dialogue complexity.

    That piece would be fine on reddit or lemmy. But on a site like that? Nah, whoever is the equivalent of editor there failed hard by letting that one through.

  • Why would it matter?

    If the kids are young enough that they’re being dragged along, they aren’t going to care much. And it isn’t like life is perfect and you can always have someone else watch the little buggers. So, if the kids aren’t disruptive, and the parents are okay with the kids hearing the kind of talk you’d hear at an adult panel, that’s a valid choice. Nobody on “stage” needs to worry about censoring themselves. They can, but it isn’t mandatory.

    If the kids want to go, nothing the panel is going to say will shock them. Any kid that’s a fan of a show like that is already past the point where a panel is going to say anything worse than that specific show.

  • I didn’t make my kid. Adopted.

    But it’s the same thing, the same feeling.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a grumpy asshole, but I try harder to be decent. I try to be the dad that the kid deserves, and that includes setting an example by being better than I used to be.

    It’s some powerful shit, when you let yourself feel it.

  • Monomaniacal for sure.

    But, they’re filled with a dedication to law and goodness. Which, within the context of the story, so was Don Quixote. While he certainly behaved in ways that would seem more chaotic from an outside viewpoint, he was a knight on a holy quest.

    That kind of dedication to a cause is a little crazy by itself.

    That Quixote was towards the end of life and seemed to be in an altered state of mind, his inner self was pure, which makes him a paladin, sworn to an oath.

    Moreover, his quest was successful. He achieved what he set out to do.

  • I’d almost bet money it’s the otterbox. If it’s one of their older models, I would bet a small amount that’s what it is if it could be an anonymous bet and a good way to confirm. I’ve had a few otterbox cases over the years, and the older ones always degrade and get sticky, and it transfers. Their newer ones and colored ones don’t (or haven’t yet anyway), but I’ve stopped buying them because of it.

    You can’t fix it, you just have to toss the damn things.