Also known as snooggums on and

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Yeah, leading with the important part so the reat of it has context seems to work a lot better for a lot more people in my experience. Especially in your example where you are trying to front load the thing to do followed by the thing not to do. That way they don’t jump to speculation halfway through the sentence :)

    On a somewhat nonscientifically aupported personal observation, if the sentence structure has a ‘but’ in the middle the audience is very likely to start mentally guessing what is coming up and will have more trouble listening to what it being said. It can often sound like a rug pulling moment, where what they thought was true is suddenly switched up and most people don’t like that. So if thinking ahead it is better to reverse a sentence like in that example to avoid the middle ‘but’.

  • If someone accused you of being pro-Trump and you said “I’m registered independent” do you think they’d be like ‘oh, nm carry on then’?

    If they asked I would say ‘no’ instead of trying to dodge the question.

    You asked about something specific, whether someone was ‘officially’ something and I answered the question. You asked a question that is apparently different than the thing you want to argue about, which is who they (currently?) support.