You absolutely can charge for social media, just not the way Facebook does. They’re not charging for the service, just for not spying on you, which is illegal under GDPR.
You absolutely can charge for social media, just not the way Facebook does. They’re not charging for the service, just for not spying on you, which is illegal under GDPR.
He wouldn’t if it applied to him. Unfortunately, reddit is not a gatekeeper in the sense of the DMA and due to its management it’s also unlikely to ever reach that position :)
Bro wants a refund
If Charles is the divine choice, why did he get cancer?
Nah, they don’t really care about gardeners. They need farmers to buy new seeds every year.
If it helps, I could sell you a pineapple for more than that.
Yea, you should really consider that before breathing on the moon
True, but San Francisco is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Munich is the most expensive place to live in Germany and one of the most expensive in Europe so the move is still somewhat questionable.
Father of two: 3 and 1y old. Loved both kids instantly. The second one didn’t take anything away from the love for my first. It felt more like my heart expanded to have enough space for both.
Our biggest issue is that we lack a good support system, both grandparents live too far away and are still working. The second child aggravated the issue, especially since she was very difficult in the newborn stage. By now we have mostly figured out how to take care of them regardless and it is very enjoyable having them both. Two kids are vastly more work than just one. When we had just the one, one of us could always take a break. As they become older, things get easier again, which is a great relief. Four weeks after the birth of child 2 I had a vasectomy done, we knew right away that we maxed out our capacity.
Bleibtreusee beste, da gibt’s eine Wasserskianlage
Exact same story for me. My wife doesn’t need to take the pill anymore which she really appreciates
Backups werden mit Löschprotokollen versehen. Bei einer Wiederherstellung werden die Daten dann entsprechend gelöscht.
The pedos are not a significant voter group. Appealing to them would also turn off the majority of the population. No one will ever pander to the pedos.
Doesn’t mean an article isn’t worth reading ;)
I liked GoT, but they butchered the later seasons, especially 8. In its prime, the show was great and I looked forward to every episode.
In Germany it is and you gotta pay for water.