• 28 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • I lean towards skunk. The first thing I noticed in the pic is that I thought the legs and hips were pretty small for a cat compared to the size of the tail (which would indicate a full grown cat, if it were a cat). I did an image search of skunks and learned that their black/white pattern isn’t uniform but varies a lot. The all black tail here is plausibly a skunk’s tail, I think

  • It’s neat hearing how Rowena communicates with her gaze/stare. I didn’t know cats could do that. It makes me want to experiment with putting cat treats on a shelf in plain sight of a cat and seeing if with a little training they would use gazing to communicate desire for treats. My last cat knew where the door was (to go outside on a leash) and that the cat treats were in the coffee table. They would hang around, paw at, and gaze/meow at me while adjacent to one of those objects to communicate their desire, either to go out or for treats. Whereas it’s obvious that cats have memory for location (e.g., food, litter), communicating with gaze really intrigues me

  • Shai, Lu … See you gents in Paris 😎😝. I thought FIBA last year was so much fun (special shoutout to the microphones that were lowered into team timeout huddles, so you could see and hear coaches draw out and communicate their next play on TV. I remember the coach of France swearing a lot, and the broadcasters apologizing after any coach swearing, which many did, for “colourful” language or something euphemistic like that). I’m looking forward to another dose of international basketball via the olympics!