At the end of the day, all human relations rely on a cost/benefit analysis. If I’m losing more than I’m gaining from this relationship, why should I continue it?
Textbook description of narcissism.
At the end of the day, all human relations rely on a cost/benefit analysis. If I’m losing more than I’m gaining from this relationship, why should I continue it?
Textbook description of narcissism.
These “gangs” control most of Haiti, including 4/5ths of its capital.
You won’t believe I’d nut butter.
“Lass mal die Nazis ran, 1000-jähriges Reich bringt Planungssicherheit für die Wirtschaft.”
Das ist einfach nur ein normaler ADHS Kaninchenbau-Absturz-Abend.
pull a random image from imgflip and a random text from `fortune-mod’, add it as caption and post the result when you click a button.
Dude, this wasn’t a comprehensive analysis of the conflict in the middle east.
Hamas attacks Israel from Gaza, so Israel invades Lebanon, so Iran attacks Israel, so USA bombs Jemen.
Welcome to the Middle East.
I invited 20 people for my 40th birthday.
3 showed up.
My wife ate too much dough while she baked weed brownies and fell asleep right before the guests arrived.
So me and my best friends sat around the table and ate a bag of chips, I was the only one to drink alcohol, no one touched the huge amount of food I made, and from upstairs we could hear my wife snoring.
A car is the least useful thing in any setting.
Ich habe 100 Hitler-Dokus gesehen, aber warum Hindenburg erst das Verbot der SA und SS rückgängig gemacht, dann Hitler zum Reichskanzler ernannt und schließlich die Reichstagsbrandverordnung unterzeichnet hat, obwohl er wohl kein Unterstützer der Nazis war, habe ich immer noch nicht verstanden.
call your company X Corp
insist you’re not evil
What - and I cannot stress this enough - the fuck?
Nein, das wird kombiniert zu Schwäwiechsisch
No, it’s not.
But that is.