Meet some nose! Meet me! O no! E
There were shadowy conspiracists lurking in the dark alleys of Washington, and hiding from the glaring sun in the High Desert of California, but they were laughably easy prey when the Martian lizard people, the subterranean Vril-empowered mole-men, and the globalist pedophile Commies did show up.
Meet some nose! Meet me! O no! E
That’s a power move.
A Texan farmer and a German farmer meet in a bar. The Texan brags: “When I get on my tractor and ride around the perimeter of my farm, it takes all day.”
The German replies: “Yeah I also had a piece of shit like that once.”
Great, now I’m burnt out and feeling guilty about it.
No I was trying to say《scythe》
They will patiently wait for visas to neighboring countries we also don’t care about, while their children starve?
Arctic and temperate areas see more change, land masses heat up faster than oceans, etc.
That’s some grade A fine vintage gourmet cringe.
Mark my words, we passed a yet-to-be-identified tipping point.
Wouldn’t surprise me if we reached the next milestone of +2 before 2030.
A coworker insisted that preferring a silver- colored phone over a black one is racist.
Are we talking human-shaped automatons or actual humans? Cause if you tell me I’m up first to 1v1 that gorilla unarmed, I’m noping the fuck out of there.
Looks like I’m managing my ADHD pretty well. I got a bingo on the bottom row, plus the hot drinks one, but those are things that don’t bother me at all. The major problems in my life are gone with the help of medication, routine, a shared calendar with my wife, password manager, and choosing the right job.
Is…is the second key from the left in the top row labeled “SNACKS”?
Just so you know: In the India/Pakistan relocation, millions died.
That’s just a sound bite. Trump just said it, nothing is being done to bring it about.
What is being done is systematically gutting and disabling key government departments and seizing control over the treasury and hiring process, without any legal basis.
Tja, ich hatte Burnout während ich auf Hartz 4 war. Das war nämlich deutlich stressiger als jeder Job davor und seither.
Du kannst die nicht vorstellen was für ein Druck das ist, wenn buchstäblich dein Leben und dein Dach überm Kopf von gleichgültigen, und manchmal offen feindseligen Behördenmitarbeitern abhängt.
You’ve bypassed Microsoft’s account requirement using a third party hack, and are now trying to access a Microsoft service that requires an account.
What did you expect to happen?
goat herders with AKs.
That is fair. You get recompensated for providing ad space.
Cyanide and Happiness isn’t normalizing anything. The humor revolves around suicide, extreme violence, inappropriate sex and cannibalism.