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Joined 10 个月前
Cake day: 2023年9月12日


  • There’s a simple reason the assets haven’t been seized, we have a legal system in Western Europe. There needs to be a legal basis for seizure of assets and a legal process that allows the on-payment to Ukraine.

    It is blatantly fair and just that the assets should be handed to Ukraine, but if we don’t carefully follow our legal principals principles then courts will unfortunately overturn the attempt.

    It’s easy to say “Russia has broken international law” it’s a tougher task proving it and working it through the courts then paying those damages to Ukraine. It needs to be done though.

    The only alternative to legal judgement and payment via that judgement is for laws mandating the asset seizure to be passed by the governments of the countries where the assets are held.

    The problem with that route is many constitutions forbid or severely restrict the ability of a government to seize assets.

    Those restrictions are there for a reason, it curbs the ability of nascent dictators (Orban et al) to seize private property on a whim or to punish enemies

    TL;DR freezing assets has a clear and well established precedent which thus has been done. Seizing assets however, while ever we have rule of law is rightly constrained

  • Like everything Hidalgo does this is performance art pretending to be a solution.

    If you read the fine print (not mentioned in this article I’ll go find a French article and edit it in) the problem here is it DOESN’T affect residents, only those from outside Paris.

    What does that mean ? The millionaires in the 6th arrondissement can keep their Porsche Cayennes, Lamborghini Urus’ and Bentley Bentaygas free of charge but the electrician or builder coming in from the banlieues and peripherique in his Toyota Hilux will pay an extra tax.

    The weight tax also creates challenges for a tradie to swap his ICE VW transporter for an EV equivalent.

    All is not as it seems. If she makes it a tax on SUVs in Paris regardless of where you live (like the London ULEV setup) then it may do some good

    Edit 1 it is in the guardian article

    "The prices will apply to vehicles weighing more than 1.6 tonnes with a combustion engine or hybrid vehicles, and more than 2 tonnes for electric vehicles. The move will not apply to Paris residents’ parking. "