• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Sure, a few more settings wouldn’t be bad, in example for saving as video file. But I think for the sake of simplicity for the end user and also for the devs themselves (I mean Steam devs) they kept it a bit barebones when it comes to codec or resolution settings. This has to work on Windows and on Linux (not sure about Mac) and on the Steam Deck out of the box.

    It’s still beta and they already said in the article some features are coming. I’m more than happy with the timeline feature, this is amazing. I set it to 16 hours at highest quality, lol.

  • Tiling: Add fallback path for the first Polonium tile. Commit. Fixes bug #488898

    I’m a little bit surprised or confused here. Polonium is an external script. KDE/Kwin specifically addresses scripts? That’s actually wonderful, totally the opposite of what Gnome does (yes, I had to bring it up).

    I stopped using Polonium, as it does not work perfectly fine for me. I’ll let them cook a bit more, its otherwise an excellent script/addon.

  • https://www.laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-42/page-6.html#h-103344

    Assuming this is the correct source for Canada’s law about copyright. In the section about backup copies 29.24 (1):

    ( c ) the person, in order to make the reproduction, did not circumvent, as defined in section 41, a technological protection measure, as defined in that section, or cause one to be circumvented; and

    ( d ) the person does not give any of the reproductions away.

    So (d) means it is not allowed to distribute the backup copy. As far as I understand. This is standard in most countries in the world. Also I cited ( c ), because this is usually also standard law. Normally, you are only allowed to make backups, if you do not circumvent any protection. Well its up to the interpretation if the Switch has such protection measure that falls into this category. But still, for our topic, (d) is relevant and seems to not allow for distribution of backup copies.

    Mind you, I am also not a lawyer. And not everything needs to go to court in order to have an understanding of the law. Off course, unless it is a bit of grey area like in the case of ROMs. But I think this is addressed in the above quote. I hope this is the correct source! So for the time being, I have to assume law regarding this is just the same as in most other countries, because there is nothing else for me to evaluate here.

  • Downloading Roms from others is basically taking their copy. Its not a copy of your individual cart. And that’s the thing. You have the right to make a copy of your cart and use it. But you are not allowed to distribute the copy. One could probably get away by using Roms from others, but that is open to interpretation of law for individual countries. However the distribution itself is not allowed, in any (normal) country. And I also don’t believe (believe is not knowledge, I have no knowledge of Canadas laws) distributing personal backup copies is allowed in Canada as well.

    Using copies from libraries is something different BTW, as these are not personal backups and are meant to be used by many other people. But that can be complicated too, in example in case of Archive.org. It’s a library in the US, but not other countries in the world.

  • Always sad to see a game getting delisted. But props to the devs to notify us about half a year in advance. Usually these delistings are instant without notification and then its too late for people who want to buy it. Now the game is at a good discount, 80%. If I had interest into the game and there was no FH5 on Steam, then I’d buy it.

    Licensing issues with music can easily be patched out and replaced by other music. But what can they do about the cars? I guess a lifetime license for the games is too expensive, so it will be a limited license and then the delisting is only matter of time. Man this sucks.

  • Right: https://virt-manager.org/

    One can close the window that shows the virtual machine, and it would still run in the background. Qemu+Kvm is not the only way to use Virtual Machines with virt-manager, one can also use LXC or Xen as its Hypervisor. I’m relatively new to the concept of Kvm and it was a little bit confusing first.

    First a connection to a Hypervisor needs to be established (here Qemu+Kvm). I think that means a server is running in the background, correct me if I’m wrong. Then one can install or run a virtual machine with the connection. Here is a screenshot on my current setup (I tried to create an AppImage, long story) and added a few useless red arrows. The QEMU/KVM connection is automatically connected at start (configurable). Once a virtual machine is running, you have to click “Open” to show the window of the VM.

  • I had similar thoughts, because I would disable it probably. But that does not change the fact (and my previous comment) that this is impressive.

    Env Vars: What would make sense to me is a global variable the project checks and runs standard text or effects based on the global environmental variable. This way we could just set a single env var in the shell and have it automatically set off (or on for specific apps only) without configurations and commandline options for many programs.