Open source nerd

Reddit refugee. Sync for Reddit is dead, all hail Sync for Lemmy!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I mean, random NFC tags, I can understand. But, isn’t advising someone to avoid QR codes obsolete by now? It was a pretty worthwhile attack vector at one point, but nowadays most phones will ask “Do you want to <handle> <contents in full>?” before actually doing anything with it…

    Although, now that I think about it, it is best practice to advise to the lowest common denominator… Sometimes I overestimate users’ ability to avoid doing stupid things…

  • I’ll bite: Arkansas (and probably some other states that I’m less aware of)

    It’s an old law from the westward expansion days which says that any establishment that sells food and/or drink is not allowed to charge for the serving of water itself. Some businesses get around this by automatically upcharging for a larger size than their “standard” drink serving size (read: anything beyond “small”), or by charging for the cup, but the vast majority still follow the spirit of the law and don’t charge for water because of the cultural momentum.

    You’re still right, though. There are costs associated with acquiring and maintaining a supply of potable water, so this law effectively forces businesses to eat the cost of the water they serve to customers. However, that’s such a small percentage of a restaurant’s water use that it’s trivial to cover by other means.

  • I agree that if there was enough space in the recovery partition to begin with, this wouldn’t be a problem, but the user isn’t the party that specified that size or the party that decided to add enough stuff to the recovery partition to exceed that spec.

    MS knows that this is a widely-deployed configuration (they deployed it), but they’re going ahead with an automatic update that is incompatible with that configuration anyway, failing to communicate to the user why the failure occurred, and refusing to automate a fix to the thing their automation broke in the first place.

  • When I got stuck whilst writing a cover letter for a job I really wanted (and needed), I gave up and had ChatGPT write one with heavy guidance. I was prepared for the interviewer to ask if I used AI to write it (applying to IT in a library, so I figured it might come up).

    I concluded that I would definitely say “yes” if asked. If they were to accuse me of cheating, I wouldn’t deny that perspective, but I would offer my own: When I reached my limits, I found the right tool for the job, understood its strengths, worked within its limitations, then validated the result.

    I did not simply throw the job description and my resume at a robot then submit whatever it spat out without inspection. That would be irresponsible of me, and disrespectful to the hiring manager. I took care to make sure the result was desired and fit my needs, and I made several adjustments (both via prompt and via keyboard) until I was sure that it fulfilled my wishes.

    Did I do An Engineering™ on the prompt? Fuck no.

    But did I choose the right tool, learn how it works, operate it with care, then ensure the finished product was acceptable to the concerned parties? Fuck yeah, I did.

    Come to find out, they didn’t ask, and didn’t care. I got the job and have been here for several months. Boy, am I glad I didn’t let my inability to write an original cover letter ruin my chance at the best job I’ve ever had.

  • They get paid when the least amount of people they insure use their services. They’re not incentivized to help those they’ve insured. The less they have to pay out to providers, the better the executive bonuses. Thus, they are diligent in collecting premiums, but can just sit on their hands when it comes to paying out.

    The more the system denies and delays a claim, the fewer insured people are willing or able to put themselves through the bureaucracy gauntlet, the fewer pay outs.

    They’re not in the business of insurance, they’re in the business of making money from the business of insurance. It’s over-complicated on purpose.