• 90 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • We’re dealing with multiple imminent great filters that not only make the ecosystem way less inhabitable but will drastically slow the rate of recovery to where it will sustain diverse life again.

    We’re already seeing agriculture fail, water supplies dry up, people migrate due to intolerable climate, evacuation of islands due to sea level rise, and so on.

    If we succeed in mitigating the crisis and reaching net zero emissions, it’ll still be damage control rather than preventing disaster.

    A massive population correction is inevitable. Our society, our culture, our way of life will all be radically altered into something unrecognizable. And we may be due for millennia of iron-age life if not a return back to migratory survival.

    And that’s assuming we survive the next few centuries at all. Our existential risk is no longer insignificant.

  • That’s not quite it.

    Then thr 0.1% gets all the money, and the failing rich blame themselves for not being clever enough.

    Then the 0.01% get all the money and fly around in golden zeppelins

    And then the 0.001% gets all the money, and our elected officials tell us that if we charge them with crimes, the whole economy will collapse.

    Now eight guys own more than half the population and we’re feeling lean and hungry.

  • This was made clear in the Behind the Bastards two parter How The Rich Ate Christianity in which the industrialists thought the Great Depression was the good times, and were really resentful that FDR implemented the New Deal, which was a stopgap to prevent a communist revolution, since despite the troubles in the USSR, it had to be better than what we were contending with, and people were sharpening their hoes. (Those who still had hoes)

    These days, yes, not only do they want you in tents, but they want you in tents in some other place, and they want you to starve even when you cannot commute to a jobsite.

    I’ve noticed the guillotine memes have stopped and instead of saying how absurd violent uprising is, people are saying how this may result in violence whether or not that would fix things.

  • As driller, yeah, making sure there’s a tunnel up is my main job. Usually Molly takes my tunnels, which means I did them right.

    In the olden days, Molly’s pathfinding would sometimes fail, which is why the Drop Pod will open fifteen seconds before launch even if Molly is not collected. So some of us OG miners don’t trust Molly to take us home anyway… or don’t like to trust Molly. Sometimes we’re desperate.

    We still have troubles sometimes during Simple Mining missions in which the cave has too much verticality, which can make a fail state for solo engineers in rare cases. As with Bulk Detonators at the end of Salvage, sometimes Hoxxes is unkind. Curiously, with all other mission types since, exfiltration depends way less on the vigilance of the crew assuring accessibility to upper levels.

  • The answer is it’s all up in the air.

    I expect there’s a massive GOP movement to suppress votes and gerrymander other votes. I suspect there are efforts to defraud the election in some counties or even in some whole states. But I don’t know how successful they will be.

    I expect there will be an attempted coup d’etat if Biden wins the election, but I don’t presume it’s going to overthrow the US. We may break out into civil war, but then if the Republican party takes power, the US is going to be really hazardous anyway. I’m no expert, but by my understanding civil war is going to be inevitable so long as we can’t get relief from the mass precarity and enough election reform to empower the public. And since the Democratic party still treats its progressive wing as red-haired stepchildren who have to dine at their own table, we can expect only table scraps.

    Biden staying in the White House means I probably have longer before I’m collected to be processed as an undesirable. It could make a difference of months or decades.

    That said, I’m pissed off, too, the degree to which the US is responsible for the Palestinian genocide, though the way I’ve been following it, Biden has been doing a lot more than the neo-liberal norm to quietly slow down Netanyahu’s offensive into Gaza. Not as much as I’d like, by far, but more than I’d expect from an establishment Democrat. Biden’s been slow-walking aid to Israel, whereas we expect the Republican party is glad to facilitate massacring Palestinians while simultaneously cutting off support to Ukraine so Russia can take over.

    Assuming you are a voter, it’s up to you, and maybe it’s more important to you to symbolically support Palestine by not voting against the Republican party. But doing so might have material effects that make things worse in Gaza, hence I’m going to vote tactically.

  • Okay, if you don’t care which of the two guys gets elected (Democrat or Republican) then sure, vote for the third party of your choice. That said, we don’t know if Perot was a successful spoiler. If Perot pulled (approximately) two GOP voters for every one Democrat, then yes, he was a successful spoiler (the math is even more sophisticates, since this would have to be calculated for each swing state and then summed up) but we don’t know.

    But in 2024, every Republican voted into office advances the effort towards turning the US into a one party autocracy. This means you have to vote tactically based on if you want that process sped up, slowed down or don’t care. Unless you’re close enough to a billionaire to get the fuck out of dodge (e.g. leave the US for extended leave) then a Trump presidency is going to lead to a lot of Trumpgrets, and a risky venture through the gravity well of a purge and holocaust.

    I can’t speak for you guys, but I don’t want to risk dying in a concentration camp, and I can’t emphasize enough how much that is totally not hyperbole.

  • Infringement of IP is a crime according to specific states, but if you make art, and I replicate it, it doesn’t affect you.

    If you write a story and I read it without paying you, it doesn’t affect you.

    The only reason IP is a thing is because short-term monopolies on media (or inventions or methods) were enshrined by specific states as law, and then spread through trade agreements, and they were expanded on without concern for their original purpose or for the good of the public. In fact, we’re seeing fair use rights fade since states aren’t willing to enforce them, and platforms like YouTube over censor.

    So at this point, in the US, the EU and the eastern market, no IP law would be better than what we have.

    So no, you have not demonstrated any reason I should have respect for your IP.

    However, if you’re going to insist, and be an IP maximalist, there is one thing I can do for you /to you (or Sony, or Time Warner, or Disney) that is worse than pirating your product.

    And that, of course, is not pirating your product.

  • I spent a lot of time in the boywife kitchen, but the abortion pantry just has snacks. I guess we sleep in the Sex Before Marriage Lounge? I’d swap the Gay Room and the Estrogen Lab. I surf Lemmy and do more science in the Gay Room, and my sweetheart hangs out in the Estrogen Lab.

    The bathroom is trans, yes. There’s a second (cis) bathroom.