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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2020


  • The base game already had some pretty badly designed fights that rely on deceptive animations and timing for their difficulty, and the DLC really triples down on that. The more games they make the more bullshit the fights get. I like a challenging fight, but when you have to die to a boss 20-30 times just to see all of their attacks, and the attacks are designed to not be legible the first time you see them… It’s just not very fun game design. I think FROM is a victim of their own success and this is the inevitable result of constantly trying to one-up the last hardest flight in the series. At a certain point it stops being rewarding and just becomes a grind.

  • This is a decent article, at least for the most part: I actually don’t like their examples for the “Preposition of Time” stuff at all, the versions with commas are just bad writing.

    But basically it just comes down to whether the sentence/clause can be parsed unambiguously without the commas. There is no syntactical difference between “I as a German asked…” and “I, as a German, asked…”. It’s entirely a style choice.

  • Okay, yes, those are all valid places to put commas, good job – except for the one after “So”, which actually decreases the legibility. It would be better to surround “for example” with commas.

    However, none of them are grammatically necessary. The original comment is totally fine and can be parsed unambiguously as-is. I would support the colon insertion above any of your commas.