• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • waka@feddit.deOPtoich_iel@feddit.deich🚙🏎️iel
    6 months ago

    Im Berufsverkehr ist es noch am angenehmsten, weil alle abgestumpft sind. Außerhalb davon kannst du Fahrsicherheitssysteme an ihre Grenzen bringen, indem du einfach nur versuchst vernünftig und respektvoll zu fahren.

    Der Weißwurscht-Äquator ist auch sowas wie eine Vernunftgrenze. Fahr mal ein paar Tage jenseits davon und achte auf den Verkehr. Jenseits der Grenze gibt’s den ein- oder anderen Idioten und ein paar Verwirrte hier und da. Passierst du die Grenze gen München steigt die Anzahl so sehr an, dass diese die Mehrheit bilden. Als würdest du mit einer Horde Karens konkurrieren.

  • Well, trials are there for a reason. Battery-only-powered trains could be a good idea or a bad idea.

    Remember the trial project for overhead wiring for trucks on the motorway? It ran for a couple of years, and the end result was that it wasn’t feasible, despite some interesting benefits. But if it weren’t for the trial, some people would still think it was feasible, while others would think it was unfeasible.

    I’m leaning more on the unfeasible side with this train, but let’s just see what happens.

  • waka@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich💲iel
    8 months ago

    Dies. Seitdem nehme ich so oft wie möglich auch widerliche öffentliche Toiletten - Desinfektionstücher sei dank. Und wenn es nicht anders geht, ist es sogar noch billiger den Gutschein wegzuschmeißen. Selbst das billigste Produkt im Tankeladen sorgt dafür, dass man fast 2€ für einmal Klo liegen lässt. Die haben zeitgleich alle Preise um 50 Cent angehoben.

    Wir brauchen eine Demo gegen Sanifair für die Zurücknahme der Ein-Gutschein-pro-Einkauf-Regel!

  • On e cigarettes specifically, after having watched bigclive dismantle lots of them, showing that they are practically just a few tiny cheap components away from being rechargeable and refillable (and they can indeed almost all be recharged and refilled), I guess manufacturers simply saw a market for it. It’s stupid from start to finish, but then again cigarettes as a whole are stupid.

  • waka@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlI'm not removing uBlock hehe
    11 months ago

    Just get into the routine of going to ublock origin addon each morning, clear the caches and loading all filters. Close all youtube tabs and reopen them. Those daredevils are playing anti-anti-adblock with youtube via blocklists daily now.

    Ah, if it doesn’t work, disable all addons, restart browser, update filters, try. If it works, enable addons one-by-one until the method suddenly fails.

    Also pi-hole and similar adblocking solutions can cause this now, so you might need to remove those, add exceptions or stuff. It’s tedious, but doable.

    Might be time to migrate to indiviuous as my new youtube frontpage (uses youtube as video source, nothing lost) or setup my own instance of it. My TV runs smarttubenext for years now, anyway, which is way better than the original yt app.

  • Vegetables do provide some nutrients and buffering, yet they’re not an absolutely necessary main source IF you have access to good quality meat, eggs, fish, etc. Those things have a very high micronutritiants-content, as long as they are of good quality.

    On Rabbit poisoning, looked it up. That is based on an absolutely purely protein-based diet with little to no intake of fat and carbs, as far as I understand that right now. I did not state that eating purely protein is okay, just that the body can make up for deficiencies in fat or carbs as needed. So eating nothing but chicken meat without any fat or carbs would likely cause rabbit poisoning symptoms as well. Which is, again, not what I stated.

  • That is correct. Your Body mostly needs good protein sources (there’s no such thing as too much protein intake except if liver/kidney diseases exist already) since it can only reuse part of those in the body, not synthesize all necessary forms of it. Everything else (fat and carbohydrates) is purely energy. Sugar, starches and anything with sugar is just carbs to the body in different forms. The body can synthesize those as needed, whatever of both is deficient. Your body most likely runs a lot better on fat, according to anyone who tried.

  • Many reasons actually. You more than likely have something on you and use something daily that only exists due to things implemented for space travel. Those “side products” really add up, since space is so frigging hard on everything, which forces human innovation to go beyond the current limits. That new ground is what fuels innovation, fuels economies, fuels wealth. And that in turn should power things like space travel, since that helps growing the space for innovation even further.

    While I could point out obvious stuff like PV-panels or smartphones, how about thermoacoustic refrigeration? Invented for the James-Webb Telescope, they are currently evaluating entire new fields where this cooling method saves lots of power - remarkably, the Telescope was planned with this technology even though it did only exist as an idea at the time, not even as a working prototype. That created lots of jobs and now keeps creating new ones as it opens the field for cooling things to near-absolute zero that are highly sensitive to vibrations. They are still trying to understand the technology, since it works.

  • waka@feddit.detoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    AFAIK they said within this year.

    But I expect that most addons won’t work out-of-the-box on release day. Many of them will be either conceptionally incompatible or too resource intensive for most Android phones, which makes Android kill the app. The Devs said they created a framework to fix this issue, which extension devs can use to adapt their extensions for mobile browsers.

    Don’t expect every single addon to work right away. It’ll take time - probably a year or so - until most relevant extensions support mobile Firefox.

  • waka@feddit.detoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlCookie wall: what is legitimate interest about
    1 year ago

    Big companies are not to be trusted. That has never changed and probably never will. So yes, this is definitely a loophole that is probably exploited a lot.

    And as is so often the case - as annoying as it is - anyone with enough knowledge bypasses all this crap.

    In this particular case: an add-on that automatically accepts all cookies and one that automatically deletes all cookies after closing the tab or browser, excluding a defined list of exceptions and specific rules defined therein. I don’t need to mention adblockers and DNS obfuscators; everyone with half a brain uses them anyway. The same applies to mobile browsers. Firefox is currently still one of the last remaining defenders against the Chrome epidemic (it has unfortunately lost in the iPhone world due to technical K.O. ).