• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • where_am_i@sh.itjust.workstoProgrammer Humor@programming.devStop use docker
    7 hours ago

    Weak one. Let’s ideate on a better version


    • Virtualization was supposed to reduce the overhead, not create entire DevOps departments.

    • Years of containerization yet no real use over make clean; make build

    • Wanted to deploy your app in the “cloud” anyways for a laugh? We had a tool for it, it’s called rsync

    • Let’s run a virtual container in --privileged mode, so we can manage system resources from it – Statements dreamt up by utterly Deranged

    Look at what tech interviews have been demanding your Respect for all these years. (These are real documentation examples for how a simple virtualization supposedly works)




    Hello, I would like to put 20 Terabytes of “images” into my /var/lib/, please!

    They played us for absolute fools!

  • You’re like 20y late with this joke. MS runs their servers on linux nowdays.

    They already have WSL and their own Linux distro.

    Give them another 5 years and they’ll have rewritten their core to sit on top of unix and will have become a simple commercial linux distro. When buying a windows laptop you will be able to click through 5 yes/no promts, unlock the terminal and yum -S gnome-desktop to break free. No dual boot needed.

    You know what’s the worst part? M$ will be the biggest contributor to the kernel. And that’s how linux will die.

  • No. For a destination where I am going this summer a train trip is 12h with a stopover and if I want a sleeper cabin, the whole trip is 300€. Plane takes 1.5h and costs 50€.

    Also as I’m in the middle of one of those routes, if I were to return home by train, I’d need to get off at 3am.

    Here’s my solution: tax the living hell out of aviation please, use this money to subsidize trains. There will be more supply and more demand on the rails. We will suddenly have frequent and convenient connections. And we all will be co2-neutral.