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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • Affected users might have blamed Firefox for the issue. Some may even have switched to a Chromium-based browser, as these worked without any issue.

    I’ve been having issues with YouTube on Firefox for ages, not these issues, different ones. I haven’t bothered to test if it’s only Firefox that has the problem because I’m not using Firefox for a seamless experience, I’m using because why the fuck would I use anything else on Linux? I won’t put google or ms into a Linux environment, even if I don’t really care about privacy or whatever, it just feels like mixing oil and water.

    Might use another browser like brave or whatever foss solutions are out there, but I’d be surprised if anything like that is better than Firefox.

  • Even so, academics is such a niche and marginal problem compared to, like, anything else capitalism fucks up.

    Scientists are still doing good things all the time under capitalism. Environmental sciences criticize problems that capitalists are loath to address all the time, but also apparently capitalism funded their research for a century.

    This post is just more populist tanky agitprop to make dumb people angry and distrust institutions and science whenever it tells them something they don’t like.

  • When I was an edgy emo teenager and all my edgy emo teenage friends and I were getting tongue piercings my older brother looked at me and said “is that for your boyfriend?”

    That wasn’t the reason that I ended up getting rid of that piercing (tongue piercings are annoying as fuck) but it definitely didn’t help my desire to keep it.