• 36 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I watched this Saturday.

    There was so much good stuff artistically in this movie!

    The changes to the story worked really well, IMO, towards updating it for modern cynical sensibilities:

    I loved Zendaya’s portrayal of Chani and her girl friend calling out Paul and Jessica’s colonialist bullshit.

    Jessica’s “strange” behavior as a pregnant woman. I agree with others that having Jessica speak for Alia worked better than having a child actor like Lynch’s version.

    Stilgar’s parody of religious fanaticism was hilarious!

    Visually, making the worm riding look like some kind of extreme sport worked well

    The Giedi Prime black and white/infrared sequences were brilliant, although seeing the Baron and Feyd in regular flesh tones afterwards felt strange.

    The Atreides nuke missiles flying across the sky felt apocalyptic

    The Sardukar ranks were notably not as rigidly disciplined as we saw in the first film.

    Unlike others, I thought that Christopher Walken’s emperor was good. Age decrepit on the verge of doddering, but with dark intelligent thoughts behind his sullen face. The only problem with casting Walken was that he’s too recognizable.

    The one part I didn’t like was the climactic dagger fight. I would have liked to see the action better choreographed and coordinated with camera angles to make the sequence of thrusts and parries clearer. I also would have liked to see contrasting fighting styles between whatever Feyd does, and Paul’s classical Atreides training mixed with Fremen savagery. I’m still not sure how Paul’s knife wound up in Feyd at the end.

    I also noticed unlike other adaptations, they didn’t do the weirding modules, the Atreides-developed sonic weapons that give the Fremen some kind of combat advantage. But I didn’t miss them.

    Overall I was very happy with the movie.

  • The prisoner, Dotson, was “found dead” so who knows how many hours the body was lying there.

    That pretty much precludes any use of the heart for transplant.

    His relatives said they received the body in a decomposed state, but that could have been poor storage by the coroner before or after the autopsy, or the body might have been well hidden inside the prison so it was a long time before someone found it.

    The article isn’t very clear on the condition of the body at each stage of handling.

    What’s in the article is probably all the information that the reporter could get out of the prison authority, the state Department of Forensic Sciences, and the University.

  • The Humpty Dumpty name pre-dates the image of an egg character that was created by Lewis Carroll’s Through The Looking Glass.

    A popular theory says the rhyme may have originated by the story of a large cannon used by the Royalists in the English Civil War.

    Humpty Dumpty was a term, probably with derogatory inferences, that was applied to large or oversized persons or objects.

    The Humpty cannon allegedly fell off the wall that it was stationed upon, thanks to Parliamentary forces undermining it, and was severely damaged.

    The falling cannon story became a metaphor for the Royalist leader, King Charles I, who was believed to be large sized himself. He lost the Civil war, and his head, therefore he proverbially “had a great fall”
