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Welcome to a new weekly general thread! That means it is time for Monday. Or, is it the other way around? In any case, feel free to use this thread to ask questions, ask for recommendations, or any other general discussion topic you please. May the manga be with you!

Like normal, please be careful with spoilers. I wrote a guide about spoilers in case you need a refresher on how to handle them (also linked in the sidebar).

  • wjs018OPM
    1 year ago

    I have been on the road a lot this past week and haven’t been able to read as much as usual (hard to do when driving). That doesn’t mean I haven’t been reading at all though. In fact, did you know that there are series that I read that I don’t post to this community? It’s true! I thought I would share two recent chapters from those series that I enjoyed.

    The first series is Shiawase no Machi. This is something of a romcom with supernatural elements. Honestly, I haven’t been super into this one since I randomly picked it up after seeing it’s first chapter translated a couple weeks back. However, the most recent chapter hopefully sets things in a new, more coherent direction. We will see!

    Second up is a series that is pretty different than what I normally read. In case you haven’t gathered from my post history, I am what the youths of today consider “an old.” So, it feels a bit out of character that the next series I am going to write about is titled on mangadex “Meme Girls.” I honestly don’t remember when I picked this series up randomly in my past, but each chapter is usually an independent story, or even just a single page joke. Their recently posted chapter 260 was fantastic though. I highly recommend it as a oneshot.