So, is Naruto a head custodian? I thought in previous chapters he worked in IT. I guess both jobs often involve cleaning up messes, so maybe he kind of does both.
He managed to escape from the librarian this time, but she knows where he lives. There is no escape for him at this point.
This is the new series from Anbe Masahiro (Squid Girl, Assemble Mystery Research Club). I really liked both of those other series, so I am interested to see where this one is headed. Based on the first chapter, it’s somewhere lewder than previous works.
I love a good 4-koma. So, randomly getting a whole chapter of them was fun. It did make it feel like a .5 chapter though.
This panel killed me because my wife does this whenever she helps me cook (I do almost all the cooking). I keep having to reassure her that a little bit of extra onion or whatever is not going to ruin anything.
So, just wanted to share that there is a VIZ extension that works for mihon (if you don’t like VIZ’s reader). However, I would imagine that the geo restrictions would still apply.
Well, this is not the first time that the story has been adapted to anime. The first time was all the way back in 1979. On that listing, there are at least two other adaptations listed under relations.
Haha, yeah. I have served as a safety rep for my lab since I moved into industry and I work in a BSL2 space, so I was dying on the inside when they were cooking using lab equipment. Though, back when I was in grad school, I was a complete idiot about biological safety. I spent years working with salmonella and never knew what a BSC was for instance. I think it was a byproduct of being in a physics lab instead of a biochem lab. None of us knew how to do biological things the right way. Instead, I was much more concerned with laser safety around some of the YAG lasers we used that had the capability to instantly fry my retina if I wasn’t careful.
I like that this chapter had him take the lead. Most of this series has been her forming a plan and then messing it all up in a cute way. This time it was his turn.
Such a fun episode. Who needs Sakamoto Days when you have 100GF delivering the gunfighting action.
I was not expecting a tease of the next maid girlfriend from the Hanazono house this soon. If memory serves, it will be quite some time before she joins.
The opening sequence of this episode was such a huge moment for Miyo. It is hard to imagine the Miyo from the beginning of this show inserting herself into the conversation of those random jerks. It’s great to see her go out of her way, calling out to them, to stand up for her friend. Honestly, I know I mentioned this in the previous episode’s thread, but this sexism in a supernatural setting like this feels so, so dumb. But, I guess some things never change.
Meanwhile, the conversation between Kiyoka and Miyo in the middle of the episode was nice, but really should have happened a while ago. We might have seen an example of Miyo’s growth earlier in the episode, but she is still extremely deferential when it comes to Kiyoka. She doesn’t even feel like she has the right to ask him any questions about himself. Hopefully we can get some progress on this front too. Meanwhile, the background art in this show continues to be stellar.
I think we all know that these guards are not going to be able to save Miyo from this guy at the end. It’s time for Miyo to become a damsel in distress for Kiyoka to save. It happened last season, so why not again? That is how great stories are written, doing the same thing over and over, right? I hope I’m wrong and that the show surprises me.
I have been reading the Frieren manga since way before the anime was announced, and I think that both the anime and manga are excellent. The anime adaptation really helps elevate the manga source in several ways (OST, voice talent, gorgeous background art, extended and improved action sequences).
For a different perspective, I watched Frieren together with my wife (who had not read the manga). She enjoyed it so much that afterwards, she read the manga from the beginning and got caught up. When I asked her, she said that she felt that watching the anime and then continuing the manga from where the anime ended would have been fine.
I watched the first season of the anime and loved it, planning on reading it after finishing the second season. However, I hated the end of the second season and the direction the story was headed, so I decided against reading beyond that. I still think that the first season is a great standalone experience and I liked it a lot.
Granny has turned out to be a great wingwoman with the futon setup. Looking forward to the night and hopefully some fireflies in the near future.
Misaki is really dense sometimes. I mean, forgetting about the heroines during a festival event? This is basic stuff Misaki…
It’s stuff like this that makes Hareta not want anything to do with the heroines:
That’s my bad, romance is something I was expecting going into this series, especially after the first chapter consisted largely of discussions on how Lala can appeal to other members of her department. Looking back on it that expectation might have come from my conflating this series in my head with Rikekoi - Science Fell in Love, so I Tried to Prove It, which is much more explicitly a romance.
I started reading this after somebody nominated it for the manga awards this past year and have really enjoyed it. Hopefully the author doesn’t walk back the cliffhanger next chapter.
Weekly ranking roundup:
Credit to /u/Abysswatcherbel for making the chart for reddit karma.
The AC chart this week is kind of wild. Chock full of romcoms with I Have a Crush at Work topping the list? What’s in the water over there at AC? Meanwhile, this week saw Solo Leveling pass Apothecary Diaries in karma to take the win. They better up their game for next week though since Re:Zero is coming back.
I am looking forward to it. I don’t think I will be able to catch it in theaters at the end of the month when it is in the US, so I will have to wait for the show to come out. If there is demand for it here, I or Endmaker can make and pin a discussion thread for it.
Yeah, I don’t think the title really does this series justice. There isn’t really any gyaru romance in it at all. Instead, it is more of a workplace comedy or parody of working in an academic lab in life sciences. I spent years doing just that and it is nailing that parody/humor aspect, so I enjoyed it a lot. However, that does make it extremely niche.
This past week has been a busy one, but I have done quite a bit of catching up on older series. Here are a couple moments from the past week I wanted to bring up.
The final chapter for this series was posted to MD. Overall, I ended up enjoying this series way more than I thought I would. I do kind of hate that the manga ends just as it feels like the main story is about to start. That’s how it goes sometimes when a manga is just an ad for the LN. Unfortunately, the LN is not being translated, so my time with this story has come to an end.
This one just got picked up again by a new SL group. It’s early, but it has been fun. It kind of reminds me a bit of Yankee JK Kuzuhana, but with a more straightforward plot, less harem, and more satisfying lead pair. I’m keeping an eye on this one, but we are almost up to the raws again (10 chapters), so I might have to let this one build up and knock out a couple chapters at a time.
This is a new series I found this past week. It reads more like a workplace comedy or parody of Life Sciences in academia rather than what the title promises, gyaru romance. As somebody that spent years working in an academic lab doing life science-adjacent work, I can attest that it is nailing the parody aspect of that lifestyle. The author (probably TL as well) must have experience in the field because they talk about specific pieces of equipment, protocols, and demonstrate a level of understanding of how academic labs function that would be hard to replicate otherwise. I don’t expect this series to be widely popular, but as a member of the target audience, I am a fan.
I had let this one pile up a handful of chapters and just caught back up. Overall, I like this series, but it isn’t one of my favorites. The worldbuilding and power system of this story is probably my favorite part. Pacts are made with gods/goddesses and skills are granted. It reminds of Danmachi in that sense. The most recent chapters are in the middle of a tournament arc, so that’s always fun.
More news for you two. It came out yesterday, but I’ve just been busy. Sorry 😣