Jii-san Baa-san Wakagaeru, episode 1

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Alternative Names

A Story About a Grandpa and Grandma Who Returned Back to Their Youth, Ojiisan to Obaasan ga Wakagaetta Hanashi., おじいさんとおばあさんが若返った話。

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  • zabadoh
    10 months ago

    Predictable stories out of a premise like this:

    Everyone amazed at how this suddenly happened, of course. A lot of standard shocked reaction shots.

    Grandpa oddly gets all the attention for turning into his hot young self.

    Maybe a bit of wish fulfillment for the likely male(?) author. I can’t determine the gender from the mangaka’s name: Araido Kagiri

    Have you ever looked back at your parents’ photos of when they were younger? Your grandparents?

    It’s hard to think of these close relatives as young attractive humans, because we only really get to know them as their older selves.

    I wouldn’t condemn the mangaka of writing incest.

    I think that Japan’s Shinto/animist culture gives their manga/anime’s ability to express what Freud would call the Id is what makes it feel liberating to dominant monotheistic-religion-based cultures.

    If granddaughter thinks young grandpa is cute, that’s perfectly understandable. Her own genetics should make her attracted to the things that made grandpa sexually attractive and obviously reproductively successful.

    But that’s also socially awkward comedy gold.

    Anyway, this looks like it’ll be good, if it doesn’t get too repetitive.

    Just skimming the source manga on Pixiv I believe the anime writers are adding a lot of their own stories already in this 1st episode.
