As tensions rise over the increasingly important “Zent candidates,” Rozemyne finds herself entangled in the web of royal politics. Thankfully, this also secures her the chance to bargain with one of the princes...
Poor Sigi didn’t know what he was going up against…
So we’re going to be doing a Dedication Ritual at the Royal Academy. Where there is currently a magic circle in the sky. Yes, I’m sure that will go as planned.
If Roz ends up getting the Gesundheit in front of all the aubs, will the Royal Family think they tricked her? 😨
Poor Sigi didn’t know what he was going up against…
So we’re going to be doing a Dedication Ritual at the Royal Academy. Where there is currently a magic circle in the sky. Yes, I’m sure that will go as planned.
If Roz ends up getting the Gesundheit in front of all the aubs, will the Royal Family think they tricked her? 😨