So it just occurred to me that during the TNG production era there is a shift in ship nomenclature:
- TNG: The Enterprise
- DS9: The Defiant/Yukon/Danube/etc.
- VOY:
TheVoyager - (ENT): “Ennurprais” is all that’s left.
Seems towards the later shows they stopped referring to the ship as a, well, ship and just addressed it as a character? Why?
Because the ship is a character, who is with us for the story, and protecting her crew. In both Voyager and Enterprise, that was it, you couldn’t go to drydock between episodes to be fresh again nearly as often.
In other media:
What really gets me is that “Resistance is fyoo-TILE” until Seven shows up and pronounces it “FYU-tl” and then the rest of the Borg do as well.
Riker figured it out in season 2:
Fate protects fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise.
If you add the “the” its a jinx and you end up blowing up over and over again in a time loop, or hitting a quantum filament that takes everything offline but the gravity plating.
What temperature does the nozzle and bed need to be for quantum filament to print right? Every time I tried, it made me a pair of ducks instead of a paradox, and benchy refused to print entirely.
…and benchy refused to print entirely.
Meanwhile in another Creality…
“Where do all these benchies keep coming from! That’s the 5th one today!”