So it just occurred to me that during the TNG production era there is a shift in ship nomenclature:
- TNG: The Enterprise
- DS9: The Defiant/Yukon/Danube/etc.
- VOY:
TheVoyager - (ENT): “Ennurprais” is all that’s left.
Seems towards the later shows they stopped referring to the ship as a, well, ship and just addressed it as a character? Why?
Riker figured it out in season 2:
If you add the “the” its a jinx and you end up blowing up over and over again in a time loop, or hitting a quantum filament that takes everything offline but the gravity plating.
What temperature does the nozzle and bed need to be for quantum filament to print right? Every time I tried, it made me a pair of ducks instead of a paradox, and benchy refused to print entirely.
Meanwhile in another Creality…
“Where do all these benchies keep coming from! That’s the 5th one today!”