A gun-themed restaurant helped Republican firebrand Rep. Lauren Boebert to fame. At the unrelated Shooters in the new district she hopes to win – where she’s running as a carpetbagger – there hasn’t been the same level of Boebert talk or tourism ... yet. Sheila Flynn reports from Byers in the 4th congressional district
…Palin and Michele Bachmann enter the chat…
Anyway, these people are just a cult at this point. They look at a complete dumbass like Bobo, giving handjobs in public, and think she’s “owning the libs”, when all she is to normal Americans is a complete fucking joke and total assclown.
Palin was my exit from the party. I was too young and influenced to realize Bush was a goober, but after Palin opened her mouth years later, I made the Seinfeld theater exit and haven’t looked back. That was a slippery slope and they went straight Slip 'N Slide down it.