I discovered this series randomly via the Mangadex recent updates page and have loved every chapter of it so far. Alright, the basic setup…

There are two main characters. First is a working woman in her 30’s, Tsubaki, that has always been very diligent and work-focused. However, it has meant that she struggles to connect with other people outside of a professional setting (and even in one tbh). Second, is a brand new university student, Momoko, that just moved away from home and is trying to be self-sufficient for the first time in her life.

These two run into each other one day when a cafe is busy and they are forced to share a table. Tsubaki bears witness firsthand to the incredible social skills of Momoko and wants to try to learn from her as Tsubaki is trying and failing to get to know her coworkers better. On the other hand, Momoko is struggling on her own and sees a professional and composed Tsubaki as a role model to help get her new, adult life in order.

The story so far (it is still ongoing), has felt painfully relatable, and the dynamic between the leads is so natural. This series has been pretty chill in that there aren’t super high stakes or artificially created drama like you see in a lot of series. Also, there hasn’t been any kind of forced romance (even yuri) introduced so far. It is simply a story of two people that are trying to improve themselves.

As of now, there are 14 chapters on MD, with the raws at 31 chapters. The other notable thing I have found about this series is that the TL really puts in the work and adds very extensive TL notes. Some of them are a bit unnecessary for those of us with English as a native language or already familiar with Japanese social customs, but it makes it incredibly approachable for newer manga readers as well.

Hope you all enjoy as much as I have!

  • wjs018OPM
    2 months ago

    It’s been a while since we had a RT! post, and this series has basically sucked up all my manga time in the past day or two, so I thought I would post it. Something I didn’t mention in the main body is that I have really liked the art. The pages are usually not too cluttered, giving the panels and detailed facial expressions room on the page. For example, here is an entire page from Chapter 2 (no spoilers, page 13 if that doesn’t pull right up) that is simply each of their faces in a panel and a single line of dialog.

    Overall, this series has made me appreciate those times when I do get a chance to share a meal with somebody else. Something that I don’t get to do too often (except with my wife), since I work remotely more often than not these days. However, I have to agree with Momoko: