I’ve been going to the gym for a few months, still feel like a noob tho.

I track what exercises I do, weight & reps, etc, and try to rotate between the different exercises I enjoy.

However I don’t do leg-centric days or anything like that, I just try and do a variety each week and not go too long without exercising specific areas. Is that bad?

  • howrar@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Following a premade program is not only about having the right exercises, but also the progression scheme, how to handle stalls, and programming in the recovery. If you have all of those down as well, then you’ll likely be fine doing your own thing, but if you’re new, chances are that you don’t.

    Maybe it would help if you shared a program that you like but that has exercises you can’t do, and we can tell you how to modify it to your needs.

    If you don’t have any ideas, then some good beginner programs I can recommend off the top of my head are:

    • GZCLP
    • Ivysaur 448
    • Stronglifts 5x5
    • Starting Strength
    • N-E-N@lemmy.caOP
      1 year ago

      Here are a list of exercises I cycle through at my local gym, any recommendations based on it?:

      Goblet Squats

      Leg Press

      Leg Curl Machine

      Leg Extension Machine Leg adduction

      Leg abduction

      Barbell Bicep Curl

      EzBar Reverse Curl

      Lateral Raise

      Tricep Extension Machine

      Weighted Row

      Seated chest fly machine

      Seated rear Delt machine

      Seated abdominal crunch machine

      Seated Shoulder Press machine

      Barbell shoulder press

      Chest press

      Barbell Hammer Curl

      Lat pulldown

      Seated back Extension machine

      Assisted pull-ups

      Bodyweight dip

      • howrar@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago

        It’s fairly complete as far as exercises go, but as you say, it’s just a list of exercises. You can build a good program with these exercises, but you can also build an awful one. What are the rep ranges, exercise frequencies, and what’s your progression scheme, both short term and long term?

        I see that you have access to a barbell. Are you able to do the main compound movements like barbell squats, bench, and deadlift?

        • N-E-N@lemmy.caOP
          1 year ago

          I typically target a 12-rep to failure for my first set, then go close-to failure for 4 total sets (usually means declining to 5-8 reps by set 4). Usually hit the gym every 2-3 days.

          I don’t have any specific progression scheme aside from trying to progressively overload, increasing total volume over time.

          What’s the advantage of a barbell squat over a Goblet squat?

          Deadlifts I’ve been too scared to try haha, kinda hoping I’ll eventually meet someone irl who can show me so I don’t injure/embarrass myself.

          • zcd@lemmy.ca
            1 year ago

            With that big list of exercises it seems like you are majoring in the minors. Honestly most of your efforts should be going to the big four compound movements.

            The advantage of the barbell over goblets squats is that it can be loaded essentially infinitely to continue progression. I started from scratch this year and already squat well over 3 plates, they don’t make kettle bells that big.

            I would suggest you download boostcamp on your phone, start GZCLP, Phraks Greyskull or 531 for beginners, and stick with it for 3 months. You’ll make far more progress, guaranteed. It has links to videos for each exercise including deadlifts.