I forgot where I first heard about it, I think my brother may have told me about it.

Eye-catching title right? Reminds me of the name of a Japanese Movie directly translated from its native langauge, ya know “I Put All My Points In Defense Because I Don’t Want To Get Hurt”, those kinds of title.

I know the game is on Steam and is supposedly a collection of cellphone inspired mini-games, but I was wondering if anyone has actually played it and can tell me anything about their firsthand experiences with the title.

  • mbryson@lemmy.ca
    1 年前

    I haven’t played it but I heard about it on a podcast I enjoy: Podquisition. One of the hosts - Laura K Buzz - seemed favourable towards it and recommended it to those drawn to that style of quick to understand but continuously engaging games with simple tasks to complete, and after listening it genuinely made me want to give it a shot.