
Formerly @Elevator7009@kbin.run, kbin.run died, moved here.

  • 16 Posts
Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2024


  • Still slowly progressing through My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom -Pirates of the Disturbance-. On Alan’s route right now.

    I find it interesting he’s a tsundere but aware of his own crush on Katarina, especially because in the other routes I played so far it seems as if he’s unaware of his own feelings and Mary has successfully kept him in the dark about them.

    I appreciate Liliana shipping Katarina/Alan. It feels interesting to be an otome game player watching a character squee about a romance involving another otome game player. Although she said Alan was doing something possessive after he and Katarina hug and I was thinking… otome intentionally includes possessive characters in some games as it appeals to some people, so I assume the writers know what possessiveness is. But Alan did absolutely nothing possessive here. Mistranslation?

    Hey, wake up you dumb rich girl!

    What a weird thing for a prince probably richer than the girl in question to say.

    Alan route spoilers

    This might be because I just skip voices usually, moving on once I finish reading the text, but I had to replay some of Alan’s flustered noises after Katarina falls asleep on him. At first I thought he was moaning! I also wonder if any of the other guys have flustered noises…

    When they talk about cutting the water supply, Alan says the royal family cannot use magic. I felt so disappointed because earlier in the route a pirate brings up the restriction on the royal family using magic when Alan is using magic in self-defense, and Alan brings up that they can’t use magic recklessly. Self-defense is a valid use. Although they’re not in immediate danger this time, it would still be use of magic in order to try to get out of the trapped-on-a-ship-with-pirates situation, not exactly reckless use… maybe I’m just confused on how strict the restrictions are?

    Alan and Keith route spoilers

    Ryle says…

    I wanted to prove to everyone that I…

    then he admits to human trafficking. He talks about proving himself as worthy as his motive. I knew from Keith’s route about the trafficking and that at least part of it was from his hatred for mages. I was wondering if there was more behind it than just hating mages, and what the full story was. What a let-down, because this just doesn’t make sense to me. Not satisfying.

    I understand that a character might human traffic a group that they hate in order to make them suffer. But I don’t understand a character human trafficking a group to try to prove themselves worthy of anything. I don’t see the logical connection there. I do not like that. It feels like a “I want to be a baseball player when I grow up, so I decided to learn to bake a cake” level of connection. At best, a disconnected action and goal, at worst the action hinders your goal. Ryle does not prove his value to the nobles of Sorcier by trafficking them, he gives them a valid, non-bigoted reason to look down him…

    all canon boy (Alan, Geordo, Keith, Nicol) route spoilers, and for Season 2 of the My Next Life as a Villainess anime

    I found parallels to S2 of the anime in Keith and Geordo’s routes. I honestly don’t remember enough to know if Nicol has a parallel. But I found another one in Alan’s! When Liliana talked about Ryle not loving her back I immediately guessed this parallel would exist and I was proven right. In S2 of the anime, Ian Stuart, a prince, has a fiance, Selena, and their marriage was arranged. Ian loves Selena, and Selena loves Ian, but Selena thinks her love is unrequited. This is Selena’s driving motive for having Katarina kidnapped—it’s part of some misguided scheme to try to benefit Ian. Liliana and Ryle also have an arranged marriage. Liliana thinks her love for Ryle is unrequited, but Ryle loves her. I do not think I would have called it a parallel just off of that, so there were probably other factors I am forgetting. I know that in season 2, Selena thinks her love is unrequited because of Ian’s stoicism. In the game, it is possible Liliana said something similar, about trying and him not being receptive? Him being aloof? I forget.

    All in all, Alan’s route is my least favorite so far, and his route continues to be plagued with typos in a much higher frequency than the other guys’ routes so far. I feel kinda bad about this especially since I was already not too excited for him. I have his last chapter to finish (provided I didn’t just Bad End myself—I play without a walkthrough for my first run, and then use a walkthrough to collect other endings or learn where I went wrong) and then onto the non-canon new characters!

  • It does not help that there were other women when I was initially on otomegames@kbin.social but they dropped off eventually and kbin.social is dead. Not sure where they went or if they’ll find this place.

    A silver lining to the otome community being small on the Fediverse is that it is okay to make duplicate communities. I specifically created this community instead of trying to reactivate the inactive !otome_games@lemmy.world because frankly the English errors in the sidebar were not a good look, and I wanted a community that could not fall prey to one of my greatest annoyances in online anime-adjacent fandom: the community being all fanart reposts, with little to no discussion or original fanart. !otome_games@lemmy.world allowed non-original fanart, !otomegames@ani.social does not. r/otomegames was more discussion and original fanart than just Pixiv reposts and I really liked that. I liked that a lot and wanted to bring some of that here. (And I also get to be less harsh on self-promoters. I understand not wanting the sub spammed with Discords or daily dev updates but I certainly do not want to chuck new communities in a weekly self-promo post nobody reads, or restrict new devs quite as heavily as r/otomegames does.)

  • Very glad !otomegames@ani.social has interaction from people that are not me. Hoping to possibly poach some r/otomegames users, though it’s not likely thanks to r/otomegames shoving all promotion of other communities into the Self-Promotion Sunday posts nobody looks at. And I still participate on r/otomegames in fear that one day they’ll say “too much self-promo of another community, not enough normal community engagement, you are just trying to advertise, off you go!” I did actually use that sub normally before I left Reddit for the Fediverse. Also advertised it in otome Discords I am in.

    I think I’m also getting more upvotes, if not engagement, thanks to the home instance being ani.social and otome games being a primarily Japanese genre with even the Western-released games usually following an anime artstyle.

    talks about real life gender dynamics, nothing accusatory or All GENDER Does BAD ACTION, but if you are absolutely sick of seeing stuff talking about real life demographic stuff online, you might not want to open it

    Frankly, the lack of engagement is… predictable. I’m pretty sure the instance is not all dudes who are interested in women, but judging by the Moe communities posting anime women being the most popular Local communities, and many of the anime-specific communities mainly posting pictures of female characters with comparatively little discussion, ani.social likely has a large male-interested-in-women population (yes, I acknowledge there could be other genders posting that, or people of any demographic who like the art but are not attracted to women). So I’m grateful for their non-destructive engagement with a community aimed at women interested in men.

    I’m glad such people exist, as a woman interested in men—I’d be very SOL if there were no men interested in women. No bad behavior has occurred so far on the community, and I doubt it will. But unlike real-life male-dominated environments where I feel normal (yes, I’m aware my privileged existence as what, at least online, seems to be one of the few women alive without a harassment or men-being-shitty-in-a-gendered-way story, is the reason I can have this perspective), it actually feels a little weird having one femgaze community on ani.social, where male-gazey communities (and communities that are ostensibly general purpose—for the anime they are named after—but in practice they’re often male-gazey too) dominate. I have no issue with male-gazey anime content existing, men deserve a place to release their sexuality in a healthy manner, same as everyone else. (I am also very much taking advantage of the Subscribed-only view so I can avoid the tons of Local content I am uninterested in, which goes a long way towards my tolerant attitude :P I might not be so friendly if I had to see it to use ani.social, the same way people are irritated with otherwise-harmless Linux fans because they want to use Local/All and it’s full of Linux posts that they personally are uninterested in.) It just feels weird to be on an instance full of it as a woman disinterested in male-gazey content who is also trying to start a femgazey community on the exact same instance.

  • Elevator7009toTouhou Project@lemmy.world[OC] GS127: Apology
    16 days ago

    For anyone confused like me, looking at this on the artist’s Pixiv shows that the Star Sapphire-looking character is Kaguya’s VTuber rig thingy. Kaguya’s the one who said insulting things on stream, it is not her being angry at people forgiving Star Sapphire for that.

    EDIT: Failed to realize this was posted 16 days ago, leaving this here for anyone coming across it browsing.

  • Still playing My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom -Pirates of the Disturbance- very slowly. On Alan’s route, finished Nicol, Keith, and Geordo.

    I find it pretty interesting that the guys are said to like her at least partially for her not acting like a traditional noble, but a lot of the affection-gaining answers are choosing to have her act a little more dependent on them and like a traditional noble. This is partially explained by cultural differences between Japan and America, differences in what is seen as attractive in a woman, but it is still actively contradicting what the game said earlier about the LI’s attractions to her… at least in every route Katarina can get involved in her own rescue in a conflict—less so than the LIs (which makes complete sense as they are more magically capable than her) but she does take action and that choice will give you affection.

    Also, Alan’s route has Liliana, a capable woman! She is also quite cute. I’m glad I was right about guessing her identity—although I got it immediately because of what I know from one of the routes I played before Alan’s.

    I find it funny that when Alan and her are fighting over each others’ safety basically at the route start, it is the one time she is being reasonable and having normal thoughts and Alan is being the dummy.

    The Alan route is the hardest for me to figure out the affection-giving answer without a walkthrough far. Every other guy I could get their GOOD END or HAPPY END with max affection without any help. I have not been using a walkthrough so far for Alan but I did hit the wrong answer sometimes.

    I feel Silva does the most bad person pirate things on Alan’s route so far.

    Made it up to chapter 5 so far. Alan’s route wins the award for most typo-ridden. Found 26 mistakes total across Geordo, Nicol, and Keith; did chapter 3 and 4 of Alan (stopped when I hit 5) and we are up to 48 text errors. That is 22 to just Alan’s first and second chapter, nearly half the typos. sad.jpeg

  • Honestly, because I’m on my phone most often, I’d like to play on my phone—it would mean I play much more often. It would be easy to open, far less of a mental barrier (even though that “barrier” is often just as small as “flip open your computer two feet away from you, type the password, click Steam/go to Itch.io, go to your library, click the otome game, click play”).

    Realistically? The mobile otome I’m aware of either haven’t captured my interest, or I know them to be freemium in a way that drives me up the wall. Premium currencies and locking story progression or making certain choices behind that currency, timegating the story, gacha… I understand devs have to make money somehow, but I’d rather just buy a premium game upfront and play at my own pace.

    I’ve also noticed that because I sit in front of that computer more often, so it is not two feet away from me, I have also been playing otome more often.
