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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • Even out here in the rural areas people who have these ridiculous, oversized, luxery trucks aren’t using them for actual work. I guess that was kinda my point. People who haul stuff want something affordable that can take a bit of a beating. Not some gas guzzling humongous thing that doesn’t even offer more hauling space.
    Those trucks are definitely not being built for work. I hate them because finding a decent work truck that won’t bankrupt me is becoming a huge hassle.

  • American here looking to buy a truck that’s not absurdly oversized and over priced. I need it to haul hay and bring garbage to the dump. I save a couple hundred a year for bringing my own garbage instead of doing trash pick up, and hay deliveries cost way more than they used to.
    Plus my rural area requires driving everywhere and the winters are pretty bad so a 4 wheel drive vehicle is good to have for going to work or emergencies.
    I’m looking into those tiny Japanese kei trucks as a potential alternative if I can’t find something that’s reasonable though.

  • Unfortunately in the US running for president has serious financial barriers. Even the wealthy people who run need to appeal to corporate sponsors(I personally call this corruption, but the Supreme Court apparently decided it’s not.)

    I don’t know how we are ever going to get a decent human being as a candidate until that changes, and I don’t know how to change it. We can vote, but only for whoever has money, and none of those candidates seem to even acknowledge this is a very serious problem. It’s not even on their political radar, so it’s not a talking point.

    Plus, even if a decent, non corrupt person managed to make it to the primaries and win… the electoral college could just vote the corrupt candidate in anyway.

    Sorry rest of the world… I wish our system wasn’t totally fucked.

  • I like the way you think! I’m cisgender but would totally accept homogender. Plus, homogender homosapien has a nice ring to it.

    I honestly think the only way the word cis would be allowed on twitter is if some moron decided to weaponize it and start calling trans folks cisphobic or something. Then act like it’s some sort of brilliant “gotcha” moment because these people are not only genuinely stupid but also hellbent on embodying all the worst parts of humanity.

    Only then would the butthole licker of trolls known as Elon Musk accept term.

  • My husband and I are the same height. Never understood the whole tall dude preference/requirement but people are into different things I guess. A nice side perk is I can borrow his shirts and not be swimming in them. They’re still baggy and comfortable from the different cut, but not so big the sleeves cover my hands.

  • Something similar actually happened with the crude oil industry.

    Crude oil was discovered in 1859 and started being used in the form of kerosene for lamps. It put the whale oil industry out business. At the time it was considered this great new thing since whales were being hunted to near extinction and whale hunts were becoming increasingly expensive to do. Crude oil was that eras “environmentally friendly” alternative, though I dont think they thought about it that way. It was more convenience/availability than anything else.

    Then crude oil became the environmental hazard with all the oil spills and many other problems it’s causing/contributing to.

    I guess my point is if you or anyone else wanted to write up your synopsis as a full story they could research how kerosene put the whale oil industry out of business, the marketing they used and the social/economic impacts it had at the time.

  • I think the last white domestic terrorists to be called terrorists were the unibomber and Timothy McVeigh.

    Both were in the 80s - 90s iirc. For some reason since 9/11 the word terrorist has been reserved for brown people who may or may not be Muslim and it’s really fucking us over.

    At the same time people have been burning down and bombing abortion clinics since the late 70’s and that has never been called out as terrorism, or more accurately christian terrorism either.

    I guess my point is that the US government sucks at indentifying/dealing with domestic terrorists and openly turn a blind eye to privileged groups committing atrocities domestically.

  • Unfortunately it’s incredibly difficult to get people to leave cults.

    Voting for him is voting against your own self interest… it’s like some oddly bastardized form of the Heaven’s Gate mass suicide, but slower and more political.

    Now that I think about it…That comparison does feel insulting to Heavens Gate. Their leader believed in what he was preaching and he actually seemed more competent and less malicious since he killed himself too. So I guess a cult that performs a mass suicide is less harmful than trump at this point. I hate this reality so much.