Just an ordinary German guy.

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Came across this a couple of days ago in a German Newspaper (paywall bypass), I found this a bit strange:

    »Good data basis - but not for this question

    Prof. Dr. Tilman Kühn, Professor of Public Health Nutrition at the University of Vienna, comments: “The NHANES study, which the authors used, is very good in principle - but unfortunately it does not record interval fasting.” The pure time data for food intake on individual days, as recorded there, is only suitable for assessing the effects of intermittent fasting to a very limited extent.

    The study could therefore not show that intermittent fasting increases the risk of death. “The results of the study only show that people who ate their meals within less than eight hours on two randomly selected days had a higher risk of dying from a cardiovascular cause. However, intentional intermittent fasting was not investigated in the study.”

    Why people only ate within eight hours on these selected days remains completely unclear. It could, for example, be because they were so unwell that they could no longer eat. In this case, the disease itself could also increase the risk of death.«

    Translated with DeepL

    For me intermittent fasting always worked great, but diets are all very subjective I guess and without a bit of excercise… ¯\(ツ)

    Edit: Arm surgery

  • I won’t get any bonus points but maybe a little 2D platformer? I made this tiny prototype with Godot a while ago, but didn’t have time/stamina to continue. Maybe thats something for you? The Idea was that you are a space explorer and you send tiny robot drones on planet surfaces to find and mark resources. You then sell the coordinates to some shitty megacorp and buy upgrades for your robo Buddys. Your robots have to survive against the elements, anomalies and possibly alien creatures. If you run out of robots, it’s game over. Maybe I’ll come back to it sometime.