• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Is this how we want it to work though?

    I assume the cross poster has the opportunity to proved their own text? Maybe if they opt not to provide their own text the OP text could be displayed but it should be made clear the text is part of the OP and be within the grey card with the rest of the OP info.

    I think showing both the OP text and crossposter’s text would be too busy. The crossposter’s text should take precedence.

  • I opted out of GoT after trying to watch S1 too. I could tell it just wasn’t my cup of tea.

    Then around season 5 the hype got so intense that I caved. Ended up binging seasons 1-5. And I have to say…even despite seasons 7 and 8 (and somewhat season 6) it was worth the watch. When it was good, it was really good.

    I do think that bingeing seasons 1-5 really highlighted how bad the writing had gotten even in season 6. I tried to warn my friends that the outlook was not good but I wasn’t able to convince them. Some of them wouldn’t even admit it until season 8. Some as late as the last handful of episodes. But they all eventually came around.